Title: Matthew's Mixes Episode 2
Filename: music/zmatthew.zip
Size: 147.08 MB
Date: 09/06/15
Author: Guy M. Babin
Description: Selected music replacements for the original Doom Episode 2 (includes Title, Intermission, and Victory screens), personalized by the composer himself.

Title, Intermission Screens -- "The Sun of Japan (Loved Sun)" E2M1 -- "The Synth" E2M2 -- "Heroic Theme" E2M3 -- "Movement 1: The Bat Reprise" E2M4 -- "The Mist" E2M5 -- "Gollum's Theme(s) [includes Chaos Mix #2]" E2M6 -- "Passion of Dracula [unfinished]" E2M7 -- "Heroic Theme 2 (Timelapse Mix)" E2M8 -- "Je-ci-vah" E2M9 -- "Movement 5: The Call Theme (Warm Mix)" Victory Screen -- "Sweet"
Credits: Music inspirations from Vangelis and John Carpenter
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Music wise, many years, on-and-off
Editor(s) used:
Bugs: None I can find.
Rating: (3 votes)
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Some of em work well but most of em kill the entire mood. A bad bag with the odd treat.x

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