Title: First Years: The 2020-2021 MIDIs of xdude_gamer
Filename: music/xdudetrax.zip
Size: 29.39 KB
Date: 09/30/21
Author: xdude_gamer
Description: First Years chronicles several tracks.

Made for "Escape from Deimos" (unfinished): 1. Soultaker 2. Mysterious Power

Made for The Ultimate Twango: 1. Voodoo Cave 2. Commanding Control 3. Demonic Prog Music 4. Demon Dance 5. Free for All 6. Beatdown 7. Slay 8. Doomguy's Desert

Made for Dusty_Rhode's Gothic UD project: 1. D_OPENIN 2. D_READ_M

Made for enjoyment of my own pleasure: 1. Ballad of Demons 2. I Want Out (later became Twango title screen)

Made for Unto the Dirt: 1. UNTODIRT
Base: New from scratch
Build time: about 20 months
Editor(s) used: TuxGuitar
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