Title: |
The Keep |
Filename: |
levels/doom2/s-u/thekeep.zip |
Size: |
26.88 KB |
Date: |
08/17/13 |
Author: |
Walt Barrett |
Description: |
Fast action in an Arabian desert style town. Assault the town, clean out the troops, but expect the dead to return. |
Credits: |
Base: |
New levels from scratch |
Build time: |
Appx 14 hours |
Editor(s) used: |
DEU 2C, BSP 1.2 |
Bugs: |
Ghosts may be created at the end of the level by the Arche-Vile/s. Save your game often. |
Rating: |
      (9 votes)
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     | Small level in brown bricks style. Layout is compact and a bit rectangular but works well, texture use spare but consistent, and overall ambiance is good. Gameplay @ UV is some form of city-guerilla; although a few snipers are positioned at nasty places and a bit much AV's add to the fun, it needs tactical fights - which is imho very nice. Overall: playing it was not too difficult but gave fun; rated as a 1994 map: absolutely not legendary, but solid 4/5, worth 20 minutes. | x | |
     | It's a good wad. Play it. | x | |
     | Not devoid of merit but gameplay is total bullshit on UV skill and somewhat bullshit on HMP: spammed from all angles by 10,000 chaingunners, many above my eyeline. Architecture is boxy and forgettable. Texturing (both choice and alignment) is not good either. No atmosphere, it's just kill, kill, kill. So many monsters that killing becomes boring and I question the wisdom of using mainly Doom 2 monsters without Doom 2 weapons. 3 stars for amusing me for 1/2 hour. | x | |
     | Considering that this is really old, this is actually quite awesome. A 20 year old WAD that looks decently and offers some challenge. | x | |
     | This map is a little bit challenging and not in the good way. The detail to the level is nice, but its too cramped for the number of enemies in the map. | x |
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