Title: DOOM2 HIP MUSIC v0.8
Filename: music/thehip2.zip
Size: 46.07 KB
Date: 12/16/96
Author: Dave Richardson
Description: This wad is brought to you by "The Tragically Hip on the NET" and me. It has 8 Hip songs. There will be future versions as more Hip midis show up on the internet.
Credits: -Scott Bea for making the Hip midis. -Mike True for getting the midis onto the web. -The Tragically Hip for being such a great band! -id software for making such a customisable game. -Igor Obraztsov for making mustool. -Someone or some people for making midi2mus.
Base: midis by Scott Bea
Build time:
Editor(s) used: mustool and midi2mus
Bugs: none
Rating: (1 vote)
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8 decent midi files.x

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