Title: Runnin_D
Filename: music/runnin_d.zip
Size: 5.46 MB
Date: 11/02/17
Author: Olroda
Description: D_RUNNIN is only a file name. RUNNIN_D is much, much worse.

If you don't want to stop running from evil, then this is for you. Load any of the old IWADs, and every little bit of music will be replaced with the best melody from beyond the grave. This goes for PWADs that use original music file names as well, id est, the vast majority. But the atonal assault doesn't stop there... No! A .mp3 version and a brief .wav sound effect is also included for your suffering. You can use them to enhance your OS, your telephone or your collection of music. The choice is yours.
Base: New from naught.
Build time: A wasted afternoon.
Editor(s) used: Slade.
Bugs: None.
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