Title: Ragtime music for Doom2
Filename: music/ragtime2.zip
Size: 399.74 KB
Date: 04/06/96
Author: Ragtime Press
Description: The enclosed RAGTIME2.WAD file completely replaces all the music in the commercial version of Doom2 with piano music from the ragtime era. But strictly speaking, it's not all ragtime. Even way back then the purveyor's weren't above calling music whatever would help sell it... e.g, the St. Louis Blues issued in 1914 was 1st billed as a southern rag, later a blue rag, and finally started a whole new denomination of music: the Blues. So this PWAD contains a variety of piano music in the styles popular between 1897 and 1929, such as ragtime, old-time, stride, novelty, waltz, and tango. This is the music that is the foundation of modern day jazz and blues.
Credits: The musical performances contained in RAGTIME2.WAD are live recordings of one of the world's top ragtimers, Sue Keller. They are distributed here strictly for the purpose of promoting the ragtime art form, promoting the contemporary composers writing ragtime (bet you didn't know anyone still did that!), and also to promote Sue Keller and her recordings which are available for sale on Compact Disc. Redistribution for these purposes is encouraged, but the performances are copyrighted and their commercial use requires the permission of Ragtime Press (see AVAILABILITY below). In addition, commercial use of any contemporary composition requires permission of the author.
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One of my favorite Doom2 music wads for, among other reasons, the very reason the previous reviewer doesn't like it: I love the irony of playing Doom to ragtime music.x
This is from September 1995. It gets a star straightaway for the mangled name. Overall it is an odd one. The text file is interesting, and the MIDI files have clearly been imported with care and attention. The performances are excellent, with dynamics and clever plinky-plonk bits; you can use e.g. Mus2MIDI to play the files through your favourite MIDI sequencer. The fundamental problem is that it's all ragtime piano. It doesn't go well with Doom.x

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