Title: Overkill, Shadows Fall & Hypocrisy music
Filename: music/overshad.zip
Size: 205.61 KB
Date: 11/03/16
Author: Mr. Chris
Description: This is a full Doom and Doom 2 music replacement with tracks from the heavy metal artists Overkill, Shadows Fall and Hypocrisy.

All tracks have been replaced and both games have some different tracks. The original MIDIs used in the file can be found over at http://en.midimelody.ru/category/midi-melodies/ under their respective artist names.
Credits: id software, midimelody.ru and SLADE
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 1-2 hours
Editor(s) used: SLADE
Bugs: None noticed
Rating: (1 vote)
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