Title: Necrodome Textures
Filename: graphics/necrotex.zip
Size: 494.76 KB
Date: 01/18/09
Author: Taradino Cassatt
Description: 78 textures from Necrodome. Includes many skies.
Credits: Raven
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: XWE
Rating: (8 votes)
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Awsome. The best game ever meets the best game ever.x
Look,Texture packs are resources,like that big Blood Texture pack..giving a rating to a bunch of walls and floors is RETARDED! just let him do his work,and maybe we might find something Good. To all the Bad Reviewers...KISS MY ASS!!!!x
Yeah seriously whats with the texture pack spam lately?x
Is this enough with the texture packs now? kthxbyex

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