Title: Metal Overload
Filename: music/metaloverld.zip
Size: 235.23 KB
Date: 01/24/21
Author: Armaetus
Description: This is an array of heavy, doom, death, black and hybrid subgenres of metal for both games, replacing every track in the game except the title screen music.

You say "It's another metal compilation..", this is true but it's not just from MIDIs collected on the internet but the songs were created through guitar tabs so they're as accurate as possible. Neat, huh? I'd figure try something different besides just finding MIDI and slapping them into a WAD file.
Credits: id software, SLADE, TuxGuitar, the tab authors of said songs on ultimate-guitar.com and actual artists the tabs were made from.
Base: , Hellbrary, Maps of Chaos, Chapel of Chaos, Cold Steel and more.
Build time: Couple of days is my guess
Editor(s) used: SLADE for editing, TuxGuitar for converting/exporting and Anvil Studio for MIDI QA
Bugs: None
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