Title: Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (NES) "A Walk in the Town" midi pack for DOOM II
Filename: music/jekyll.zip
Size: 766.57 KB
Date: 12/08/21
Author: Daniel, The NCR Veteran
Description: This is a quick WAD I've made after watching the Angry Video Game Nerd revisit Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde on the NES, and noticed similarities between the game and the Doom "Stroller" speedrun demo category: - You walk slow - You can't attack anything - You need to get to the end of the level while everything tries to kill you.

This wad only contains one midi song, copied 32 times to be renamed so they can replace the songs that take place in all 32 levels of Doom 2. This will not work with Ultimate Doom, but I might make this for that aswell.
Credits: VGMusic.com for providing the midi of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde's level 1 song called "A Walk in the Town"
Base: New from scratch
Build time: About 5 minutes
Editor(s) used: SLADE 3
Bugs: None
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