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The Ghoul's Forest 3

   (937 reviews)

2 Screenshots

About This File

The Ghoul's Forest 3 is the final wad in the Ghoul Series.

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Unknown date

holy motherfucking moses 5/5

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Unknown date

This is nothing short of AMAZING, 5/5

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Unknown date

Holy FUCK. 2/5

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Unknown date

this game is bad its inpossible to play and u can not see a thing when the fire goes out so whats the point so i will not be play this stuiped game again

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Unknown date

I shat myself. Cheers, scarded the crap outta me. :)

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Unknown date


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Unknown date

Bricks were shat. 5/5

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Unknown date

Vomit for incredibly offending pictures. Vomit for stupidly hard gameplay. Vomit for annoying, crappy sounds. Vomit for retardedly made map. This whole thing is nothing more but a copypaste job.

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Unknown date

This is awesome i invited my friends and they were laughing all over the place! i give it a 100/5

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Unknown date

AHH! Something that made me jump... =) LOVE IT!

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Unknown date

VERY FUCKING HARD! Also, I like the sprite of the Yurei. I would like to watch the bots get owned be the Ghouls.

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Unknown date

This isn't the best WAD ever, I must say, but it did scare the crap out of me, and can still manage to get me good whenever I decide to try and brave it again. 5/5 because it actually did manage to scare me, and because I'm not a pussy about the 'offending' images. You gutless bastards out there complaining about the 'controversy' of some of the images, suck it up and deal with it or go play lighter games, and leave some freedom of expression to the rest of us, you pro-censorship S.O.B.'s.

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Unknown date

I admire the fact that its a game of skill or luck or running around the forest shooting arrows in every corner of the till you realise everything is dead

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Unknown date

It's better than the other ghoul's forest levels. There is more than one ghoul and it's spooky!!! 5/5 - Optimus

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Unknown date

Hello my name is bruno,this game is crazy mann ;)

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Unknown date

We need another sequel for this... too bad Cutty quit the Ghouls making series. I know there are other WADs out there like this... What's up with the Yurei? That "Thing" better not come into my mind at random times. Nothing wants to trespass my mind, but the Ghouls might... Especially Yurei. 5/5 -- Killer11223346

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Unknown date

*faints* Yurei:Come on im not that scary...

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Unknown date

wow... 5stars

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Unknown date

This is Great I love the Game play! And the scares...

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Unknown date

played this with a friend, used most of the cheats, exactly at 3:00 a.m. Yuri came, all of the Horrible images popped up, we barely were able to sleep due to the use of "Eye-Bleach" but still strikes us till this day...Nice Work Cut-Man Mike, Nice Work...Touché..."5/5 - Legendary"

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Unknown date

5 stars to you man. Games never scare me anymore, well at least I thought they didn't.

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Unknown date

the best of the ghoul series, I think 4th installment was a complete crap and first two were more of a practice before releasing this, 5 of 5*

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Unknown date

I wasn't that scared of a game since I played E2M8 when I was 7 years old! Awesome work, cutty. 5/5 -Dark Zero

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Unknown date

Standard jump scare tactics. Yawn. 0/5

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Unknown date

A fucking classic, nuff said.

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  • File Reviews

    • By Midway64 · Posted
      2fort on it's original incarnation.   Pretty great.
    • By Individualised · Posted
      The first ever version of 2fort. It barely resembles its later incarnations.   Crazy how an entire franchise and FPS genre spawned from a single map. It's a crime that the origins of Team Fortress have been forgotten. Most people don't know anything before Quake/TF1 2fort, but nope, this is yet another massively influential thing that the Doom community can claim.
    • By Yumheart · Posted
      Great fun. Bleak, metal-driven style over fairly easy substance, which is a good thing. I can see the song getting annoying in a more challenging map.
    • By bowserknight · Posted
      Pretty fun map if you want some quick, easy slaughter fun. Just sucks a bit that you can just cheese the whole thing by leaving the arena and running around at the edges of the map. Cool to play with gameplay mods tho!   Music is alright but it does get a little annoying after a while.
    • By Bri0che · Posted
      Classic, sober, simple tech map that I'm fond of. The flow of the map is like a river, and the backtrack (that myself is usually upset about) is intuitive to follow. The teleport repopulation is smart enough. I don't know about the health/ammo tightness other comments talked about because I played with a mod.