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Daymond (VwV)

Since I'm new here, can someone answer the questions?

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All questions will be related to the Personal Best Demo Thread forum (pt. 2) ← POST YOUR NON-WRs HERE.

1. Is it possible that the demo won't be added to the dsda page at all, even if it meets all the requirements? If this is possible, then under what conditions?

2. Is it possible to attach a YouTube video if it has extra wads, such as hd sounds or wide statusbar?

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1. All demos meeting the requirements will be uploaded to DSDA (unless the runner specifically requests for a demo not to be added), though demos aren't uploaded automatically and thus may only appear on DSDA after a few days/weeks depending on the maintainers' availability.

2. Sure, make sure it adheres to the following rules though:


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Thanks for answers. This time it's about the Doomworld itself. There are four possibilities to rate a post. Is it the degrees of how you like it, where Soulsphere is low, Megasphere is medium, Invulnerability is high, and Partial invisibility is a dislike?

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