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About pineapple2664

  • Rank
    Warming Up

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  1. pineapple2664

    Sunder - Map20 Appears, finally.

    Fair enough, the man can take his time with a masterpiece like Sunder. We’ll still be here.
  2. pineapple2664

    Playing big, modern maps on old machines

    A late update, but on the point about hardware, my Probook runs Map 18 (for example) at a minimum of 200 fps on DSDA-Doom using OpenGL. In the end, I suppose the best answer to my query really was “use better hardware”.
  3. pineapple2664

    Sunder demos [-complevel 9]

    Thanks for adding it to DSDA. By the way, when it says "recorded in skill 3, plays back in skill 4" in the description of my demo on DSDA, what does that mean exactly? I wasn't even aware skill 3 and 4 meant anything with the -nomo parameter. Should I be including "-skill 4" in the parameters anyways for nomo demos?
  4. Dimensions map 1 HMP really be kicking my ass, 30 attempts in and it feels like I’m dying in every single way imaginable.

  5. pineapple2664

    Sunder demos [-complevel 9]

    MAP 12 NoMo in 2:49.23 sunder12o249.zip
  6. pineapple2664

    Final DOOM demos [-complevel 4]

    TNT Map 1 UV Speed Solo-net in 0:37.23 tnt1sn-037.zip
  7. pineapple2664

    Playing big, modern maps on old machines

    Interesting point on Woof; using the example of God Machine, I find that Prboom-plus struggles with God Machine unless I play on a low resolution. On the other hand, Woof works with minimal lag at 1600x900 given that I turn off High Resolution in the settings. Hell, even Combat Shock map 5 is playable on my computer with Woof, despite having triple the monsters of GM on HNTR. In all honesty, the massive lag I get when playing maps is pretty rare, limited to some Sunder maps and the big maps mentioned above. I don't really want to go through the trouble of compiling another source port, so sad as it might be, I nowadays just avoid those maps.
  8. pineapple2664

    TAS (tool-assisted) demos: part 2

    Italo Doom Map 1 Skill 3 Pacifist [TAS] in 0:54.83 it01-hmp054-tas.zip
  9. pineapple2664

    Playing big, modern maps on old machines

    I installed 1.32 (had to add `#include <cstdint>` to a file as I’m on GCC 13). It’s good and runs smoothly on earlier maps especially with reducing drawing distance and thinkers slowed turned on, with dynamic lights at 20 and a 800x600 windowed displayed. Map 11 gets a bit choppy at the start but it’s better than DSDA-doom and DOOM Retro in this respect. Map 15 is pretty slow but that’s to be expected. Great source port, thanks for the recommendation!
  10. pineapple2664

    Playing big, modern maps on old machines

    I’m using Sunder 2407.wad which I believe is a newer version. Did IG not fix the issue in newer releases?
  11. Just HMP-Maxed Fire and Ice! Took 5 or 6 attempts. Fire and Ice is very hard but is also a pretty fun map to do the routing for and to play through. A fitting end to Scythe.


  12. pineapple2664

    Playing big, modern maps on old machines

    I don’t really have a choice with hardware, so I’ll check the driver then. Thanks! Fair enough, I’m probably asking far too much from a 15 year old computer.
  13. pineapple2664

    Playing big, modern maps on old machines

    Yeah, it’s fine for the most part. I don’t know why but it can lag a bit even on smaller maps; on Plutonia 2 map 12 I’m down to 30. Nothing too serious though.
  14. pineapple2664

    Playing big, modern maps on old machines

    Interesting that you should say that, I have a HP Probook which of course runs better than my Inspiron. Shame it’s a work laptop…
  15. pineapple2664

    Playing big, modern maps on old machines

    I tried Crispy too after reading this. New Sunder is obviously off the table since it requires Boom but old Sunder is limit-removing so it should work fine. I played a bit of map 11 and it was pretty good. Not silky smooth or anything but playable. I used low graphic detail, high res rendering (otherwise the sprites kind of blur into each other, which isn’t ideal), capped framerate and widescreen aspect ratio.