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Best Looking Demos in Your Opinion

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I don't like throwing around the term "hardest demo", but thought this would be a bit of fun.


What's a run from another player that, whether is hard or not, purely from watching the demo, looks like one of their best demos to you?

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Honestly, @ClumsyDoomer's tool-assisted tyson demo of No guts No glory (from Alien Vendetta) is a pleasure to watch. It probably took them hours upon hours to make it a reality run. One of the best tyson TASes out there.

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I remember being really impressed with Okuplok's Plutonia 2 MAP20 UV Max run back in the day:


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I like the smoothness of Keyboard only player very much Like Qataar and SAV88 

But demo posted above by Okuplok is remind me what a smooth player he was sadly accused of Cheating but his skills are really God like it seems he/she only take damage when want to

Demos of Classic player Radek Pecka are also very good looking to me as they didn't seems super fast or hectic while watching but some are still World records..

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On 5/13/2023 at 9:59 PM, MrHellstorm17 said:



You might also enjoy this more recent 11:31 max of this map by kinetic:


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this is a great idea for a thread and I may add more to this post or post more in this thread later since I have a hard time doing recall given prompts like these. To start off though,


I thought Blue Cultist's evit01m in 1:17 looked really good for a first dip into optimizing non-slaughter maxes. It isn't perfect but doesn't have any ugly parts in it I'd say.


Kuckkuck's e1m1m in 0:24 is obviously pretty insane, all the rng falls into place besides a double kill in the secret. That first double at the start is by far the worst rng point in the map, trust me :D.


Brainfreeze's ks02t in 2:02 is also definitely one of his best demos, I did not expect him to produce a tyson to that level of optimization out of nowhere like that.

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