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About Vita93

  • Rank
    Green Marine

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  1. Vita93

    Hexen N64 Tool Version 1.0

    Can the WAD be used in PC source ports?
  2. Vita93

    Anyone have Brutal Minecraft for upload?

    Yeah, that's it. Thanks!
  3. It was deleted off ModDB. Does anyone on here have the final version of it and is willing to upload it to archive.org?
  4. Just to note, I've tried Beta 4 on ps1_netemu on a PS3 and it works fine. The reason that matters is ps1_netemu is an official PS1 emulator created by Sony.
  5. Do you have the right BIOS files installed? https://docs.libretro.com/library/beetle_psx/
  6. https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Official_emulators#Sony In addition to modern open source PS1 emulators, Sony created a number of official PS1 emulators. POPS on PSP / Vita is very accurate. ps1_netemu on PS3 is close to 100% accurate.
  7. https://archive.org/download/psxpw I've made what I think are the correct JavaScript code changes to the password manager for Beta 4 here. You'll need to download both the index.html page and the psxpw.js file. You can open it locally in your browser. If anyone on here is confident enough after doing some testing on it that it's OK, please feel free to put it on web hosting where you like.
  8. I realised immediately after posting I should have just put it into the game myself. Thanks for your help. I'm pretty confident I've got the decode button working. Encoding should be straightforward.
  9. Thanks. That's a fantastic one for testing. Exactly level 64 and Nightmare. Good edge case.
  10. Does anyone on here have any valid password generated within Beta 4 on Nightmare difficulty for any level at 64 or above? Thanks. Am I right in thinking the total number of levels in Beta 4 is 108? Am fairly confident I've now sussed out where in JavaScript code (as opposed to the underlying C code) to find the 64 bit for extra levels above 63 in the password generator.
  11. Thanks. I've found the bit which matters: #if PSYDOOM_MODS const int32_t mapNum = (pwdata[0] >> 2) + ((pwdata[5] & 0x20) ? 64 : 0) + ((pwdata[5] & 0x40) ? 128 : 0); #else const int32_t mapNum = pwdata[0] >> 2; #endif Am still trying to understand why the JavaScript has a bigger pwdata.
  12. Thanks. So, if I've got this right the new password scheme splits the level number between pwdata[0] and pwdata[5], with the leftmost bits of pwdata[5] being used as: Leftmost bit for nightmare Next two bits for the extra level numbers Encoding and decoding level numbers above 63 requires the bits to be joined manually to recover the real number? Frustratingly, the C code has pwdata as an array sized 8, the JavaScript has a passwordData array sized 10 and am trying to figure out why.