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About Burgish

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    Tourist From The Outer Realms

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  1. Burgish

    How close are you to finishing your TC?

    @Kan3I think of all those as falling under "textures", using the term broadly, although I'm not using decals for anything just yet. @DesfarAck, so worried about this part. Hard to make things simple after deving all my other elements so much - I might concentrate on just building one big "demo" level that lets players try everything out for an initial release, then see if anyone is interested in contributing. @jaeden Ah yeah, Bosses! My imagination has spiraled way out of control into super-elaborate encounters for any of those. I can't even think about them if I want to get anything done, it's like staring into the sun. A lil jealous over your progress - I'll keep an eye out for anything you're posting showing off your progress!
  2. Burgish

    Come up with the most clever troll design decisions

    Mod where whatever weapon you are using is the weapon the zombiemen (former humans) use. Shotgunners dont use shotguns, they have the same rules only shoot 3 times when firing. Chaingunners rapid fire. If you ever switch to the pistol the zombie weapons are randomized until you switch to another weapon.
  3. Been working at my project for a year and a bit (maybe 2 who's counting) and realized recently I'm actually not that far from being able to release a TC. Not close to finishing my project mind you, full of grand designs and intricate details, but close to being able to release something that could be called a Total Conversion that I could release (non-commercially). So I decided to take stock of what I had done, and what would be left if I wanted to rush to release something. Here's a list of what all would be required for a real TC release, a checklist of sorts. I'm really interested in seeing what other people have been working on, what they have done, what they do or don't plan to do themselves and what they may not even have on their radar. TC Elements: Weapons (sprites/sounds/mechanics): DONE! Enemies (sprites/sounds/behaviors): DONE! (Plan on building more but I have a few) Pickups / Items: Mostly - health, ammo, several pickups done, need a few more. Item Effects (ex: Berserker Pack, Tome of Power, etc...): still working Levels: not done - barely touched level design yet Textures: not done - all stock doom tex Sound effects: Working - have sfx for stuff I've made, but lots of stock sounds remains Music: None - learning with little to show for it so far, might look for someone to help with this HUD: DONE! Fonts: DONE! (Almost) got the font and edits, just need to extract characters and plug them in Title Screen splash image: DONE! (dumb placeholder, but done!) Options screen splash image: DONE! (as above) (If I'm missing anything obvious, let me know I'll add it.) Boy, I sure fely closer before writing all that. But, good to have a checklist to work down, it means the end is in sight!
  4. Burgish

    Share Your Sprites!

    A few alternate health pickups. Wound up going with wine instead of the chicken leg for the health bonuses, seeing as the other health pickups had a glass each. Feel free to use w or w/o credit!
  5. Burgish

    Is using SAVES in Doom bad?

    Of course its bad. Shooting a gun is bad. Pushing buttons is bad. Everything you do is bad. You're in hell, you're a bad person, objectively speaking if you're doing it that's proof its bad.
  6. Burgish

    How to scale down sprites in slade

    If you're still looking for solutions, may I suggest giving GIMP another try - I scale down images for sprites pretty often. Its actually how I start a lot of projects. Unfortunately, just straight up adjusting the image scale will usually mess up your sprite and lose a lot of detail. What I do is scale down by degrees - 80% of original at most per iteration. This gives you a chance to see where details are being affected and manually reinforce what you want to pop. You don't have to intervene every step, its better to only jump in with the draw tool once a detail is nearly or completely gone. A few other things: *Only use "None" for Interpolation, never "Cubic" or anything else or you'll wind up with transparent pixels you don't want and your image will get hazy *Bump up the contrast of the image to see if you can get some elements sharper before shrinking *Don't judge in GIMP! Pixel art almost always looks horrible up close, the trick to good pixel art is to imply shapes, colours, and perspective, because there aren't enough pixels to draw those things explicitly. The shrunken image will accomplish this in ways you won't notice when you're looking at it blown up. Make it small, cross your eyes, put it in the engine. It looks better than it looks, I promise!
  7. Burgish

    Share Your Sprites!

    Paladin reskin of the Cleric from Hexen with a few tricks up his sleeve... Recently occurred to me - if you're playing a necromancer, these are the kinds guys you have to be worried about. Trying to come up with 'good-themed' enemies that aren't just dudes.
  8. Burgish

    Share Your Sprites!

    Ahhhh dude this looks so good! Im always interested in things that look like og doom assets but reveal some unforeseen depth or danger. Love it. And a bit of code is always welcome! I know I should be using Zscript but I've got so much deco code I figure I'll save it for my next project, so I'm still happy to learn a few new tricks and see how other solve problems.
  9. Burgish

    What’s a theme / setting you’d like to see in PWADs?

    High-ceiling forests. I always love seeing how people do big trees, and how they build impassable "walls" into the level structure. Outdoor environments in general have a really different feel depending on a few key choices by the author that I'm always interested to see.
  10. You know I'm white because I wrote that entire thing without once using the word 'white'.
  11. Canada... Really strong effect of American and British culture, and a pretty nice, moderately wealthy place to live, But understanding that Canada, looking at it on a map, is entirely stolen land, built up by the colonial slave trade and abusive diplomacy, if not outright raiding and looting native civilizations, and the wealth of England that helped establish Canada was looted from India, Africa, East Asia, and elsewhere... Although we are heavily influenced by American culture, I think we lack to a certain extent the assumption of superiority that comes form being "U.S.A. numba one", falling back on our very British send of propriety, renowned politeness, inoffensive but pitching in globally where we can. I feel like 20 years ago, if you asked the average Canadian what atrocities their country had committed, they'd be hard pressed to say anything. Maybe the hanging of Louis Riel. Maybe nothing. The public awareness surrounding 'residential schools', and discovery of mass child graves associated, really shook our do-gooding and morally superior sense of nationhood. I live in a beautiful part of the world. But being aware that the land I live in was amongst the very last in the western world to be considered fair to conquer by way of arms, bad faith diplomacy, and politics of extermination... it is something that we may be a long while in reckoning. To say I love my country is complicated. But I can say, that it is beautiful, and I am very fortunate to be able to enjoy its beauty.
  12. Burgish

    Any modders that wanna work together? (Closed)

    Yeah this sounds like a cool initiative ide. I spent about a year, maybe a year and half working on a gameplay (weapon replacement) mod, and love working on that stuff. I've also done some spriting, and made a couple custom monsters and weapons sprite sets. Made some sound effects for the above, used to be a basement producer but haven't really touched midi. None of that stuff is fantastic, and I don't think much besides the sprites are available. It's mostly just me having fun and experimenting. I wouldn't mind having something bigger to work on for a bit and hone some of my skills, it's been a lot of picking up new ones for a while now. Of course, I have Grand Designs as well, but I'm not in a rush to work on those right away. On top of my gameplay mods I've also just started mapping, just put my first map on the boards a couple weeks ago. Let me know if you start a group chat or a discord, I be interested
  13. Updated to 0.3! Bugs fixed, encounters tweaked. I'm pretty happy with it, and I think everything is working the way its supposed to be working now. I'll be ready to start something new soon. I made this in Hexen format and I wouldn't mind trying all the fancy stuff UDMF can do.
  14. Even a lack of aesthetics is a kind of aesthetics, and contributes to an aesthetic sensibility, and communicates something about the creator and their intent. It's subjective, and has to be interpreted by the observer, so the observer contributes to the aesthetic experience they are having in a meaningful way. It's possible to disengage from the visuals and not really care about them at all, but its also possible to read into the visuals of someone who didn't spend any real effort on them - something is revealed in both examples, although in the former it speaks about the observer and the latter about the creator. I'll parrot Baja Blasts's post above, where the only real wrong answer is to appeal to "objective" aesthetics. You cant have an experience without a subjective point of view. You can have broad inter-subjective agreement, and that is good enough a bunch of the time, but that's as close to objective aesthetic analysis as you can get
  15. @Biodegradable thanks so much for recording your playthrough! Its immeasurably satisfying watching someone else play my level! Pointing out the errors is really helpful too, I'll get those fixed up soon as I'm able and republish. Thanks!