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No idea if this is the right section to post this but I need help with adding new things too the like new objects and stuff i download a few stuff from realm 667 but I'm stumped on how to add them to my map i tried putting them in slade but no luck I asked in my discord server as there some skilled mappers and they told me to post on here so here I am any help would be appreciated


Thank in advance  

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Check This ChubzDoomer video, helped me understand how to add Decorate items. Should be as easy as dropping the DECORATE definitions and sprites into SLADE, but sometimes you need to define an editor number so DoomBuilder recognises the custom content and lets you put them in the map - sometimes they have one already, but not always.

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Check in my Guntoberfest.wad...The Arachnotron A/B/C & the flammable barrel are added in the Dehacked file. The stats are followed by the frames & frame actions last...

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To answer your first sentence, this better belongs in Doom Editing or Editing Questions, because those are for someone unsure how to do something asking how to do it. The Tutorials section is for someone who knows how to do a thing explaining how to do it.

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Or, instructions how to add one.

Some people don't include them because of possible conflicts, but new users have no clue how to put those things in the game.

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