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About Noomerdoomer

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  1. Noomerdoomer

    How do make the map appear while you play

    Thank you guys so much for the help. On the overlay when playing are you able zoom in and out or mark places on the Map and have it tell you how to get there
  2. Noomerdoomer

    How do make the map appear while you play

    I am sorry I forgot to specify I am doing this on android threw delta touch.
  3. Noomerdoomer

    How do make the map appear while you play

    Yeah it is kind of over lay that over clear like as you play. I seen videos but it is not a feature on zoom or gz or one of the other versions?
  4. I seen videos of people playing doom with the map top of the actual game so that you see the map while you play. How do you do that?
  5. Noomerdoomer

    Metrovania mods

    Yep it has gone retail so no longer free and I don't have a PC at the moment to run it. Got any others
  6. Noomerdoomer

    Metrovania mods

    R there Metrovania mods for doom where ìt just like one big map. Like countrycide that is awesome. I know of a couple like bury me kneed deep and I forget the name of it but the guy takes the first episode of kneed and made it too one one big map istead. Countrycide amd these are the only ones I know of if anyone else knows of others I be really appreciative
  7. Noomerdoomer

    Best total conversion I have played

    I found this mod threw icarus live youtube channel called countrycide. It is was big open sprawling map that requires exploring amd wondering a bit to figure out where to go and what to do normally that be boring but the amazing country side with all sorts of animals wondering around mixed with the excellent sound effects make it feel like your in a forest. This is definitely a bit of Metrovania feel too it. Anyway basics of the story is you feel called here to stop bad people from bad things. But you won't meet any of the friendly and ever so welcoming locals till after find the first. Which tiggers this really ominous siren to go off alerting them of your presence. I don't want to tell you too much more because it's better. To experience it for yourself than to have somebody ruin it for you. But truly, I'm surprised this is a free total conversion mode. It's not a game I'm paying for on steam. Other than the color of the keys being the same, you would have no idea. This was a doom game at all. You can download it here: https://www.moddb.com/mods/trench-foot-wip/downloads/countrycide What are some good Metrovania like mods for doom? Like this one where it is just one big map instead of levels.
  8. Just was curious If there is way to edit or change Doom on a smart phone?
  9. I am not understanding what you're trying to say not argue just trying to understand
  10. First of all to all those thsybsay back then people didn't care based much about getting 100% completion in a game where wrong I had in friend from high school in the 90s who would not move on from a game until he got everything there was to get in the game. So if he ever got into doom this would have made him insane. Yes it was a lot harder to get get patches and updates to people in the 90s but that was good thing because it made developers really make sure their game store ready before they released. Because you basically had one shot to impress the consumer market with product because if games came out as broken as some of the games are now they would have been written off as junk and no would have really bothered with them. Also because of this you could go to the store and buy your game with confidence knowing you getting the game the developers want you to play. I cannot recall at all during the nes and snes era of gaming of hearing about patches needed. In this way the ease to get fixes out to costumers now have made game devs a lot more lazy and not put in the work they did back in the day and push out games that made not be as ready for ready for the market because they can just push a patch out week later to fix it.
  11. Noomerdoomer

    Doom the lost episodes

    I didn't realize it was called jptr now Because I even have it downloaded and played a bit of it not knowing that's what it was. Thank you very much for your help
  12. Noomerdoomer

    Doom the lost episodes

    Yes, I think I was wrong because the map I downloaded was only a nine level map. So the lost episode did become the jupiter levels is that correct?
  13. Noomerdoomer

    Doom the lost episodes

    This used to have link tonwhat I thought was doom the lost episodes but I had to change it because I was wrong. I was taking you to another level mod and I don't know how to erase this so it doesn't show up here anymore. Sorry
  14. Noomerdoomer

    Doom the lost episodes

    OK I confused because I just found out about this level pack today and was wondering if it was ever released and made playable on zdoom or released as a pk3 file. Some I have read said it the Jupiter mod but could not get any definitive on that but just want to know is there away to play it on delta touch. Thank you
  15. Noomerdoomer

    Is there a list of all the commercially tc

    Thank you that is exactly what I was looking for. Your the best