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About LordHydra

  • Rank
    Warming Up

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  1. LordHydra

    Ultimate Doom demos [-complevel 3]

    E1M5 No Monsters. 43.37. Very fun map to run around in. I love the circle room. E1M5o-43.37.zip
  2. LordHydra

    Ultimate Doom demos [-complevel 3]

    E1M4 Pacifist. 15.66 E1M4-1566.zip
  3. LordHydra

    Ultimate Doom demos [-complevel 3]

    E1M4 No monsters 34.86. It's honestly just a lot of fun running across the acid pit. E1M3o-34.zip
  4. LordHydra

    Ultimate Doom demos [-complevel 3]

    E1M3s secret exit UV-SPEED (WR by miliseconds) 45.29 E1M3s-45.29.zip 21 Years the record held. I feel like I have played absolutely nothing but this map everyday for like, a month and a half. I must have had near 100k runs on this stupid map alone. It can be improved, and I fat fingered switching my shotgun for my pistol -.- so i could have shaved a hair off there and then my movements towards the end got a little sloppy cause of nerves. But i'm very very happy with this run. I don't know if doom runs are handled this way, but the previous WR was 45.97 or something similar. I hope this counts as the new WR, since it was a few mili faster. Either way again, I'm so happy to make this time. This map has so much rng involved it's almost silly.
  5. Hello, I believe I read that you could use a custom status hud in your demos as long as they are in Doom Pallet, but I want to double check just in case before I do it. (I just want a little more spice while I'm running the maps over and over) The last thing I want is to have a good run and it gets denied because I was silly and didn't double check the rules.
  6. LordHydra

    Using custom Status Hud in Demos

    Hello, I believe I read that you could use a custom status hud in your demos as long as they are in Doom Pallet, but I want to double check just in case before I do it. (I just want a little more spice while I'm running the maps over and over) The last thing I want is to have a good run and it gets denied because I was silly and didn't double check the rules.
  7. LordHydra

    Hardfest [Community Project]

    @gabirupee I'd love to playtest!
  8. LordHydra

    Ultimate Doom demos [-complevel 3]

    E1M3s-46.86.zip E1M3s UV-Speed. 46.86. It's absolutely insane, the rng you need to let alone finish this map alive. Sometimes you come right out the front door and the shotgunner slams you for 39 damage, sometimes they'll explode the barrel on you. Most of the time, you get stuck on the invisible pinkie and zombie man in the hall. Then in the next room, you have to open, kill the shotgunner so he doesn't bully you, turn shoot the barrel and zombieman, hope it destroys the barrel, then go to the window at an angle on the right (so you don't agro the imps on the elevator) then get to the switch without getting blocked in those tight angled spaces. I really hope to see others do this run. The current WR has been held for 21 years and is 45s and it's very very possible to get at least a 43 I believe.
  9. LordHydra

    DOOM II demos [-complevel 2]

    lv01-587.zip Map01 UV-Pacifist. 8.87
  10. LordHydra

    Ultimate Doom demos [-complevel 3]

    E3M6S-6.zip E3M6s UV-Pacifist. 6.97
  11. LordHydra

    Ultimate Doom demos [-complevel 3]

    E1M2-024.zip E1M2 UV-Speed. 24.97 I originally posted a 25.00, but was able to snag this.
  12. LordHydra

    Ultimate Doom demos [-complevel 3]

    P1M1-997.zip E1M1 UV-Pacifist. 9.97 Also, didn't know SR50 existed, so I'll practice that and snag a better time!