Sort by | Filename | Title | Author | Size | Time | Rating | Asc • DescDoom WAD level info program       | Filename: | | This program displays various information about a DOOM level.... | Date: | 05/13/94 | Size: | 13.58 KB | Author: | Gerhard Karnik |
CleanWAD V1.54      | Filename: | | I just took the source code of CleanWAD that was released way back by Serge Smirnov and updated the program for today's DOOMing standards. No longer do you have to remind yourself to "never run a WAD cleaner on anything with GL_* entries, BEHAVIOR re... | Date: | 05/04/06 | Size: | 505.39 KB | Author: | Martin Howe |
CONV2HEX 2.0       | Filename: | | CONV2Hex is a table driven converter like the one found in D! (my other
big product). And hey.. I realized that it would take about 3 minutes
to convert the DOOM/DOOM2 -> Heretic scripts in D! over to the new
format, and make t... | Date: | 11/25/95 | Size: | 36.39 KB | Author: | Simply Silly Software |
Ctexture V1.72      | Filename: | | Ctexture, DOOM texture changer allows you to change the DOOM wall
and/or floor textures names in the DOOM levels. This little app will
be especially useful when creating custom DOOM levels with user-
defined textures.
Current version runs on ... | Date: | 10/03/98 | Size: | 15.84 KB | Author: | Nicholas Memphis |
WADCOMP.EXE and EXTRACT.EXE (also includes LIST.EXE)       | Filename: | | EXTRACT.EXE and WADCOMP.EXE are two utilities for compiling WAD files.
Together, these two programs should let you build a "custom" WAD file.
WADCOMP.EXE is the actual "compiler", and EXTRACT.EXE is a powerful tool for
extracting stuff from WAD fi... | Date: | 07/25/95 | Size: | 138.91 KB | Author: | Serge Smirnov |
The DOOM Hacker's Tool Kit v1.00 | Filename: | | This is the FULL source code for my WAD hacking utilities, they include
Sprite Viewing/scaling
Map Viewing/scaling
Floor Texture Viewing/scaling
Wall Texture Viewing/Scaling
SoundBlaster Sound Player
WAD Directory Lo... | Date: | 06/03/94 | Size: | 166.39 KB | Author: | Joshua Jackson |
DIRPWAD.EXE v1.00      | Filename: | | DirPWad will print for each level which is contained in
each player start and all deathmatch starts. An 1,2,3 or 4 means it
contains an player 1..4 start, a D means this level contains an
deathmatch start.... | Date: | 05/12/94 | Size: | 6.93 KB | Author: | R. Nijlunsing |
DM1toDM2.EXE v1.0á (Multi-Level Doom I to Doom II Converter)      | Filename: | | (Multi-Level Doom I to Doom II Converter) Converts Single/Multi-Level 'DOOM I' PWADs and changes all MAPs, MUSIC, WALL Textures, and Graphic PATCHES quickly to 'DOOM II'. (Req. DOOM II Reg. to use converted PWADs) Now that DOOM II is out and you've... | Date: | 08/04/06 | Size: | 66.7 KB | Author: | David L. Davis aka SpottedTiger |
DM1toHT1.EXE v1.0 32-bit (a Multi-Level DOOM I & II to HERETIC Converter)      | Filename: | | Multi-Level DOOM I&II to Heretic Converter Converts Single/Multi-Level 'DOOM' PWADs and changes all MAPs, MUSIC, WALL Textures, and Graphic PATCHES quickly to 'HERETIC'. (* Requires HERETIC Registered *) [Note by the uploader:] This program does no... | Date: | 08/04/06 | Size: | 152.4 KB | Author: | David L. Davis aka SpottedTiger |
DM2CONV v3.2      | Filename: | | This program converts levels from DOOM/ULTIMATE DOOM/DOOM2/HERETIC to run
with one of the other three games.
This is a minor bug fix release.... | Date: | 11/24/95 | Size: | 67.63 KB | Author: | Vincenzo Alcamo |
Doom Detect Ver 1.25 | Filename: | | Detects WAD as DOOM! or DOOM II type.
Added detection of matching TXT & BAT
files for move operations. They move
with the WAD too! Doom Detect 1.25 also
displays number of maps and what levels
they replace. This version adds a MOVE
option to m... | Date: | 11/19/94 | Size: | 48.66 KB | Author: | Mike Audleman |
DoomDump 1.0 | Filename: | | New with version 1.0: reject table dumped out in a more readable form.... | Date: | 08/04/94 | Size: | 45.67 KB | Author: | Steve Simpson, Future Vision Inc |
DMMPST: DooM MaP StaTistics      | Filename: | | DMMPST is a command-line utility on Unix and Windows (source code included) to generate statistics of levels in (Ultimate) DOOM, DOOM ][, Final DOOM, DOOM 64, Heretic, Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders, Hexen, Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citade... | Date: | 10/11/16 | Size: | 327.74 KB | Author: | Frans P. de Vries |
Doom Things Analyzer version 1.03        | Filename: | | The Doom Things Analyzer, or DMTHA in short, is a tool to quickly analyze
any Doom, Ultimate Doom, Doom II or Final Doom level including external ones
from a THINGS point of view.
DMTHA reads all of the things in any level in any wad file and ... | Date: | 10/17/96 | Size: | 19.5 KB | Author: | Yonatan Donner |
DOOM WAD file extractor v1.0 beta      | Filename: | | DMX is a simple extraction tool for DOOM type WAD files.
It is a simplified, universal version of programs like
dmgraph,dmaud etc...... | Date: | 10/12/94 | Size: | 85.8 KB | Author: | Morgoth |
Doom2 to Doom3      | Filename: | | Changes all Doom2 wads/levels into Doom3 styled maps.... | Date: | 12/24/06 | Size: | 1.17 KB | Author: | Cutmanmike |        | Filename: | | When I first got into hacking around with doom, I had a friend who liked Doom much more than he liked heretic. So he asked me if it were possible to pull the maps out of His heretic and play them in the Doom engine. What you have here is the resultin... | Date: | 07/13/97 | Size: | 121.21 KB | Author: | Curtis A Gibson |      | Filename: | | These are a couple of toosl I hacked out.
snd.exe: lets you put a sound file into a PWAD (one sound file per PWAD)
cat.exe: concatenates two PWADS into a third PWAD (no duplication checking)... | Date: | 05/12/94 | Size: | 14.74 KB | Author: | James Dooley |
Examine wad version 1.02 | Filename: | | ew (Examine wad) is a small utility to extract images, sounds & music
from DOOM, DOOM2, Heretic and Hexen wad-files (iwad & pwad).
The wad-entries may be exported to a file. Images may be viewed
by an external viewer or directly (DOS version ... | Date: | 02/04/96 | Size: | 59.58 KB | Author: | Tormod Tjaberg |
WAD Extended tools v1.0 | Filename: | | This is a little program i wrote to navigate through WAD directory.
You can view most of WAD resources (pictures, textures, colormaps, etc),
and view/edit them using hex editor.
Not much to say about it, but maybe you'll find it useful.... | Date: | 05/12/94 | Size: | 50.59 KB | Author: | VeLS |      | Filename: | | Here is some small programs i have made.... | Date: | 08/15/94 | Size: | 77.2 KB | Author: | Gunnar Dahlström |
KILLDEMO.EXE v1.0      | Filename: | | With the advent of Doom v1.666, the Incorrect Demo Version error has been
an increasing problem with PWADs.
Killdemo is a quick effiecient way of removing ALL demos from PWADs.... | Date: | 09/18/94 | Size: | 11.61 KB | Author: | Paul T. Hermann |
map2wad v0.85      | Filename: | | Converts duke3d .map files to doom .wad files Read readme.txt for more information.... | Date: | 08/06/02 | Size: | 61.07 KB | Author: | Nicholai Main |
MOOD: DOOM behind the Looking Glass       | Filename: | | This nice little utility lets you see any DOOM level with the eyes of Alice during her journey in the World behind the Looking Glass.
Explore the familiar DOOM levels that have changed in a queer way: in this new world, left is right, and right ... | Date: | 08/26/02 | Size: | 86.3 KB | Author: | Michael N. Novikov (the idea) and Serge N. Slepov (the coding) |
Doom MoveLev 3 | Filename: | | MoveLev displays or modifies the episode/mission number in a Doom WAD file.... | Date: | 02/05/95 | Size: | 18.09 KB | Author: | Steve Simpson, Future Vision Inc |
NOTNUM.EXE | Filename: | | This is a simple utility which reads in a WAD file and strips off the unused
sidedefs to eliminate the "TEXURENUM FOR NAME NOT FOUND" error which
sometimes crops up when using EdMap.... | Date: | 05/28/96 | Size: | 18.69 KB | Author: | Alden Bates |
SARGE.EXE | Filename: | | This program is a DOOM and DOOM II utility that randomly changes most
items in any WAD file to Sergeants, Chaingunners, or Wolfenstein SS troops.
It was made with my own personal tastes in mind and due the lack of such a
program for DOOM II as far... | Date: | 05/09/99 | Size: | 29.64 KB | Author: | Jim Donovan |
Show Wad level      | Filename: | | SW is a program to read a DOOM wad file and show what levels are present
in that wad. The purpose of this is to allow a person finding an unknown
wad to discover how to invoke that wad without having to try all 27
combinations. While some, pe... | Date: | 06/28/94 | Size: | 5.87 KB | Author: | Paul Robinson |
SW-Wad level finder | Filename: | | SW Plus is an extension of SW which works also with DooM, DooM2, Heretic and HeXen.... | Date: | 03/04/03 | Size: | 8.47 KB | Author: | Javier Almenara |
SW-Wad level finder Windows Version | Filename: | | SW Plus is an extension of SW which works also with DooM, DooM2, Heretic and HeXen.... | Date: | 03/13/03 | Size: | 16.6 KB | Author: | Javier Almenara |
TCOUNT       | Filename: | | TCOUNT is a DOS program intended to provide WAD writers with a starting
point for determining how much HEALTH, ARMOR, and AMMO to place in a WAD
based on the total number of damage points of the monsters in the WAD.
Only items in single play... | Date: | 11/13/95 | Size: | 42.96 KB | Author: | Scott Jordan |
WAD1TO2 v1.01        | Filename: | | WAD1TO2 simply maps DOOM1 levels, textures, music, and wall patch entries,
that no longer exist, to their DOOM2 counterpart or a close replacement.
The program uses an external text map file(WAD1TO2.MAP), which is customizable,
to input the mappin... | Date: | 02/11/95 | Size: | 46.1 KB | Author: | Tracy F. Thonn |
WAD-Dir V2.2 | Filename: | | A very good (I think it's the best) Shell to play WAD-File for
DOOM I / II and HERETIC !!!!!!
WAD-Dir gives you the information you need to play a
DOOM I/II or HERETIC PWAD-File (e.g. Episode/Mission) and
the information you want... | Date: | 06/07/95 | Size: | 39.11 KB | Author: | kaufi@sbox.tu |
WADDUMP v1.1      | Filename: | | WADDUMP is a program to examine your DOOM/DOOM2 PWAD's.... | Date: | 07/08/95 | Size: | 69.65 KB | Author: | Florian Helmberger |
WAD Hacker Version 1.0 | Filename: | | WAD Hacker is a DOOM WAD file resource viewer. This is a Windows 3.1 based
application. To install WAD Hacker run the SETUP program. This will set
up all necessary files to run WAD Hacker. Make sure and install the program
into the default directo... | Date: | 05/12/94 | Size: | 477.87 KB | Author: | |
WADHEX - Hexadecimal Visualizator.       | Filename: | | Principal Functions The program permits to view a WAD file of any type (textures, sounds, constructions), opening it to visualize in hexadecimal format. Also this program is useful to view any class of file (really any type!) and it can also help you... | Date: | 12/26/02 | Size: | 20.3 KB | Author: | .Exe Electronic Information about the author. (built in Visual Basic) File_Id.Txt Identification Fil |
WADHEX 32Bits - Hexadecimal Visualizator.       | Filename: | | Principal Functions The program permits to view a WAD file of any type (textures, sounds, constructions), opening it to visualize in hexadecimal format. Also this program is useful to view any class of file (really any type!) and it can also help you... | Date: | 03/04/03 | Size: | 114.84 KB | Author: | |
WADOPT (WAD Optimizer) version 1.0 | Filename: | | First release, provides space-saving optimizations of DOOM WADs. Works with
DOOM I/II and Heretic. Probably also works with RotT.... | Date: | 06/15/95 | Size: | 19.25 KB | Author: | Scott Earnest |
WadSmoosh       | Filename: | | A tool for combining all official id release WADs into a single PK3 file playable with ZDoom and its derivatives. Drop your WADs into the source_wads\ subfolder, then run wadsmoosh.exe. A new IWAD file called "doom_complete.pk3" will be generated. Li... | Date: | 08/12/16 | Size: | 3.33 MB | Author: | JP LeBreton |
WadSpy v1.1        | Filename: | | WadSpy is a tool to view .WAD statistics and estimate a level's difficulty. This version (1.1) has been modified to work on 64 bit operating systems too.... | Date: | 07/01/12 | Size: | 29.09 KB | Author: | Oliver Brakmann |
WadWarp ver.2.1      | Filename: | | Play Heretic Levels with Doom1 or Doom2 Monsters and Weapons!
Play Doom1 or Doom2 levels with Heretic Monsters and Weapons!!
Play step-up-for-Doom1 Levels with Doom2 Monsters and a D.B.S.!!!
Create New Wads using a mixture of graphics from Here... | Date: | 08/02/95 | Size: | 36.54 KB | Author: | |
WADWHAT 1.1 | Filename: | | Have you ever downloaded a WAD file and wondered which maps it
replaced? Have you ever wondered if the map you're about to start
contains 10 cyberdemons? And how much ammo can you afford to waste in
the map, anyway?
If you've had any of the... | Date: | 03/04/95 | Size: | 34.52 KB | Author: | Randall R. Spangler |
WADWHAT 2.3        | Filename: | | Have you ever downloaded a WAD file and wondered which maps it replaced?
Have you ever wondered if the map you're about to start contains 10
cyberdemons? And how much ammo can you afford to waste in the map, anyway?
If you've had any of these ... | Date: | 02/15/98 | Size: | 36.35 KB | Author: | Gregory P. Kwok |
WadWorker v1.05 | Filename: | | WadWorker is a command-line based utility for the ID Software games, DOOM I
and DOOM II, and for Raven Software's HERETIC.... | Date: | 02/29/96 | Size: | 26.98 KB | Author: | Brian Kelly |
WadAuthor Value Pack v1.10      | Filename: | | The WadAuthor Value Pack (WAVP) is a collection of utilities
intended *only* for registered users of WadAuthor. It contains
tools to merge wadfiles, extract resources, inject resources,
view and extract images, etc. It requires a password to unz... | Date: | 12/10/95 | Size: | 237.21 KB | Author: | Williston Consulting |
Winwad version 2.0 source code      | Filename: | | I am releasing it here because I am moving off to join the military
and DoomNation is (permanently?) down. There are no binaries, only
source code released under the GPL (license text included.)... | Date: | 05/28/00 | Size: | 74.2 KB | Author: | John "Snowman" Gaughan |
WalzTextureReplacer Version 1.0 | Filename: | | This program allows you to turn your DOOM 1 PWADS into DOOM 2 PWADS.
This program is shareware. In order to use this program you must promise not
to bitch about how slow it is. I have very little experience in programming
as I am sure some of yo... | Date: | 02/05/95 | Size: | 17.5 KB | Author: | |
WAD Tools 2.0       | Filename: | | scroll through the directory of a WAD file and:
Export graphics to BMP or LBM
View animation sequences
Edit resources
... All sorts of other stuff
Works on DOOM, DOOM II, and Heretic. Will work with any... | Date: | 02/05/95 | Size: | 28.72 KB | Author: | |