Sort by | Filename | Title | Author | Size | Time | Rating | Asc • Desc8MBGM and 8MBGSFX Gravis Patch Set v1.3      | Filename: | | The files in this archive consist of a complete set of high quality Gravis
format patch files that were created from EMU Technologies "8MBGM.SF2" and
"8MBGSFX.SF2" SoundFont format soundbanks (E-mu Rev B).
The patch set consists of 635 Gravis ... | Date: | 04/21/04 | Size: | 24.97 MB | Author: | Rich Nagel |
bsdmidi       | Filename: | | This is some code I wrote for Freedoom to generate a free "GENMIDI" lump for Doom. The source data is based on the register values from the OpenBSD OPL driver. The result isn't too great; the original GENMIDI is definitely miles better, but it's some... | Date: | 02/24/08 | Size: | 12.53 KB | Author: | Simon Howard (fraggle) |
The DMAuD Sound Extractor
v1.2      | Filename: | | Here is a nifty utility that I whipped up to extract all of the
sounds in a PWAD file after spending half an hour doing it one sound
at a time using DMAuD. All it does is call DMAuD and send it parameters
along with the file name you supply.... | Date: | 09/02/94 | Size: | 6.1 KB | Author: | Bucky La Dieu |
DOOM Audio Editor - version 1.1      | Filename: | | DMAUD will store sounds into or extract sounds from DOOM WAD and PWAD files. In addition, DMAUD will play the sound if a SoundBlaster compatible sound card is present. Patch WAD files (PWAD) can be edited the same as WAD files by using the '-f pwad... | Date: | 08/18/95 | Size: | 38.58 KB | Author: | Bill Neisius |
DMaud For Windows v1.1       | Filename: | | The First Internal DOOM Audio Editor! Works
with DOOM 1 and Original Sounds From DOOM II.... | Date: | 08/21/95 | Size: | 282.68 KB | Author: | Richard Ratayczak For Disk And Desk Inc. |
DMAXIT DooM Audio eXtraction and Insertion Tool | Filename: | | DMAXIT will store sounds into or extract sounds from DOOM2
WAD and PWAD files. It does the entire wad at one time,
without the repeated dmaud entries to insert audio into your
new PWADs. In addition, it will create new PWADs for you.
... | Date: | 01/16/96 | Size: | 7.39 KB | Author: | John Clark |
DooMMusic User Interface v1.0      | Filename: | | DMMUI is a front end for DMMUSIC.EXE, a program which
allows you insert your own musical scores into DOOM.
I've included DMMUSIC v1.0 and MIDI2MUS in the Zipfile,
so you don't have to go looking for t... | Date: | 07/27/94 | Size: | 58.2 KB | Author: | Pooka |
DOOM Music Editor      | Filename: | | DMMUSIC will store music into or extract music from DOOM WAD and PWAD files. To list the names of available music entries, use the '-L' option. Patch WAD files (PWAD) can be edited the same as WAD files by using the '-f pwad' option on the command ... | Date: | 05/12/94 | Size: | 14.98 KB | Author: | Bill Neisius |      | Filename: | | These batch files are little utilities I threw together to make life
a little easier on me. I have 2-3 versions of Doom running, and when
I install a new version, and it has the bare bone sounds in there, that
bugs the hell out of me. So I threw to... | Date: | 12/16/94 | Size: | 39.19 KB | Author: | |
GENMIDI Replacement for Ultimate Doom and Doom II        | Filename: | | GENMID01.WAD is a tiny Doom wad which contains a replacement for the
GENMIDI lump in the Doom IWAD. This lump controls the FM music synthesizer
on sound cards using the Yamaha OPL2/OPL3 chip. Examples of such cards
are Soundblaster, Adlib, and Pro... | Date: | 09/04/01 | Size: | 73.62 KB | Author: | |
Hexen Sounds for Windows 3.1 or Windows 95 | Filename: | | Hexen sounds will allow you to hear the sounds from the Hexen main wad and also will help you to edit your scripts to easily insert the right sound without typing your fingers off.... | Date: | 03/02/96 | Size: | 8.88 KB | Author: | Chet Walters at WizWorks! |
MIDI2MUS      | Filename: | | This converts general MIDI music to Paul's MUS format which goes
into DOOM.... | Date: | 05/12/94 | Size: | 22.84 KB | Author: | id Software |
MIDINFO.TXT      | Filename: | | This file contains detailed information about the usage of GenMIDI
instruments by the songs in DOOM. (With additional info relevant to
the GUS.)... | Date: | 07/20/94 | Size: | 3.28 KB | Author: | Keith M Ellis |
MODfile to MIDIfile converter      | Filename: | | Soon after my introduction to MODfiles, a mere two years ago, I became
aware of their limitations. Not the least of these is their incompatibility
with standard musical notation. They are also limited by the quality of
their recording, and t... | Date: | 02/14/95 | Size: | 128.37 KB | Author: | Alexander Stock |
Mus2midi version 1.0        | Filename: | | This is the elusive version 1.0 of the Mus2midi tool.
The author, just_joe has a web site available here:
However, version 1.0 is mysteriously missing from his site.
Repeated... | Date: | 01/29/05 | Size: | 23.11 KB | Author: | just_joe |       | Filename: | | It's just what the file-name sounds like. Will convert .MUS files to MIDI
files.... | Date: | 12/09/94 | Size: | 22.88 KB | Author: | Mike |
MUS File Player Library V1.75      | Filename: | | DOOM, DOOM II, Heretic & Hexen MUS file player library.
Supports Adlib, Sound Blaster (OPL2), Sound Blaster Pro II/16 (OPL3, stereo),
Sound Blaster AWE32 (EMU 8000), Roland MPU-401 and Sound Blaster MIDI port.
Can play music on the background. Ca... | Date: | 05/06/96 | Size: | 454.19 KB | Author: | Vladimir Arnost |
DOOM MUS File Player V1.75      | Filename: | | DOOM, DOOM II, Heretic & Hexen MUS file player.
Supports Adlib, Sound Blaster (OPL2), Sound Blaster Pro II/16 (OPL3, stereo),
Sound Blaster AWE32 (EMU 8000), Roland MPU-401 and Sound Blaster MIDI port.
Can play music on the background. Can store ... | Date: | 05/06/96 | Size: | 153.76 KB | Author: | Vladimir Arnost |
MUSTOOL Utility for DOOM II      | Filename: | | This small utility has been done generally having in mind Bill Neisius's
DMMUSIC utility. However, dince Bill haven't done a DMMUSIC for DOOM II yet,
I wrote it myself. But the syntax is very similar to DMMUSIC.... | Date: | 04/30/95 | Size: | 14.7 KB | Author: | Igor Obraztsov (the SCORPIO) |
Doom Mus Player v0.99a      | Filename: | | I have created this Doom Mus Player for only one thing: Playing Doom Music
In Order Automatically Without Running Doom. Thats all.... | Date: | 04/14/00 | Size: | 108.38 KB | Author: | Erik Bogeholt |
Quick MUS->MID file converter v2.0        | Filename: | | o 30 times faster than MUS2MIDI by Joakim Erdfelt (no offense meant ! ;)
ie conversion is instantaneous
o Real-time MIDI file compression
- up to 25% disk space safe
- a compressed MIDI file is usable as it ... | Date: | 01/24/96 | Size: | 76.74 KB | Author: | Sebastien Bacquet |
SoundRip v1.0 | Filename: | | Rip your DOOM / DOOM ][ / Heretic samples
into a single patch WAD! Great for you guys
who use more than one soundset (I do :)!... | Date: | 08/06/95 | Size: | 11.56 KB | Author: | Joachim Fenkes |
XMUS | Filename: | | XMUS is a MUS (music files from DOOM, HERETIC, etc) extractor. It can
extract MUS files from anyone file (IWAD, PWAD, or other) if has. Try it!... | Date: | 09/03/95 | Size: | 10.2 KB | Author: | JoRdI |