Sort by | Filename | Title | Author | Size | Time | Rating | Asc •      | Filename: | | There is color palette file doom256.col for Autodesk 3D-studio to be used
as custom color palette with keyframer module.
It works, excample file of Porsche is included as playable wad (DeuSF needed)... | Date: | 03/25/95 | Size: | 82.29 KB | Author: | Jussi Karjalainen |
BMP 2 DRAW      | Filename: | | BMP 2 D(oom)RAW for substituting Doom wall textures.... | Date: | 01/25/01 | Size: | 55.86 KB | Author: | Dennis Grass |
ColorMapper V1.0 | Filename: | | This software is a handy tool for interactively creating color maps or
spreads (most useful for raytracers).... | Date: | 07/13/94 | Size: | 42.6 KB | Author: | SoftTronics, Lutz + Kretzschmar |
DM ADD Something | Filename: | | DMADDS is a tool to allow for sprite and flats graphic
replacement and replacement distribution by means of PWAD files,
without changing the IWAD file.
The README.EXE of DOOM 1.666 states that "Sprite
graphics can now be used in PWADs". This ... | Date: | 11/21/94 | Size: | 94.26 KB | Author: | Bernd Kreimeier |
DOOM PALETTES       | Filename: | | This collection of alternate DooM palettes allows you to play with different colors on the screen. Try it out, it looks cool and weird!... | Date: | 06/26/05 | Size: | 48.22 KB | Author: | SVEN LICHTY (SHOTGUN) and ANDY PEDERSON (NUKAGE) |
DMGRAPH FE V1.00      | Filename: | | DMGRAPH FE is an interface for Bill Neisius' DMGRAPH. DMGRAPH allowes you
to replace or extract a picture from the DOOM.WAD. It also allowed you to
view data about the picture in the wad (verboise list). DMGRAPH FE can do
everything that DMGRAPH c... | Date: | 04/20/00 | Size: | 48.68 KB | Author: | Jae Muzzin |
DOOM Graphic Editor - version 1.1D | Filename: | | DMGRAPH will store graphics into or extract graphics from DOOM WAD and PWAD files, in GIF or PPM formats. Graphic format type is controlled by the filename suffix, or by using the '-T' option on the command line.
Patch WAD files (PWAD) can be ed... | Date: | 07/09/95 | Size: | 40.77 KB | Author: | Bill Neisius |
DMTXLS: DooM TeXtures LiSter        | Filename: | | DMTXLS is a command-line utility on Unix and Windows (source code included) to generate cross-reference lists of the wall textures and flats used in levels in DOOM, DOOM ][, Ultimate DOOM, Heretic and Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders. The lists ... | Date: | 05/10/16 | Size: | 65.93 KB | Author: | Frans P. de Vries |
DoomView Special Edition v3.25      | Filename: | | DoomView SE is a program that will let you take any Doom, Doom II, and
Heretic WAD or PWAD view any of the graphics and export them to BMP.... | Date: | 03/19/95 | Size: | 25.26 KB | Author: | Russell Wronski |
INKWORKS v1.0 + MIXMAPS        | Filename: | | This archive is the second version of INKWORKS, which was never uploaded to /idgames for some reason. The author added the MIXMAPS tool, associated documentation and another test WAD to the existing INKWORKS tool, which was unmodified. This archive c... | Date: | 07/14/15 | Size: | 289.61 KB | Author: | The Cookie Monster |
NewWadTool        | Filename: | | Finally THE all-in-one utility for Doom, Doom II & HERETIC WAD files
Extract & insert resources as RAW, GIF, PCX, WAV, VOC, MUS & PWAD
EASY texture & pname editing!
Play sounds & view any graphics
WAD-cleaner - Replaces DMADDS/F... | Date: | 03/15/95 | Size: | 75.67 KB | Author: | Denis Möller (TiC) |
NWT 1.3 source code       | Filename: | | This is the source code to NWT 1.3. It was on the TiC website but that website does not appear to be accessible. The filename was originally ""; I (fraggle) have renamed the filename to to fit the 8.3 character limit of the ... | Date: | 08/13/08 | Size: | 159.51 KB | Author: | Denis Moeller |
NWTpro 1.4 BETA 1        | Filename: | | The ultimate tool for Doom, Doom II,
Heretic, Hexen and Strife.
Edit WAD files like never before
Export/Import any kind of resource
Edit new/old Textures & PNames lists
Edit WADs: copy, move, create entries
...and much, much more...... | Date: | 04/04/96 | Size: | 158.9 KB | Author: | denis moeller |      | Filename: | | Palettes for DOOM and Heretic for use in graphics editing, eg. with PSP v3.x.
Taken out of DeuTex 3.5 archive and uploaded separately.... | Date: | 11/12/95 | Size: | 2.58 KB | Author: | Frans P. de Vries |
Wacker beta7 | Filename: | | For those of you who are asking what is wacker. It is a Doom
utility that allows wad manipulation and creation of NEW textures
for the doom environment. You can load and save any graphic
object within doom to a BMP file. It has facilities to cross... | Date: | 07/27/94 | Size: | 137.2 KB | Author: | Spike | | Filename: | | The file WADGC.ZIP contains working beta source for my tools WADGC
and WADLC, acronyms for WAD Graphics Compiler and WAD Level Compiler.
WADGC takes text files and PPM images as input and creates PWADs
with graphic entries (sprites, wall patch... | Date: | 07/30/94 | Size: | 20.63 KB | Author: | Stefan Gustavson |
WinDSE - Doom Skin Editor for Windows v1.0      | Filename: | | WinDSE allows you to create your own skins for any of the creatures
appearing in Doom and Doom 2. Further it is possible to edit Doom 2's own
creature skins, or to import a bitmap graphic to use as a skin. WinDSE can
import a new skin into Doom 2.... | Date: | 07/01/01 | Size: | 95.71 KB | Author: | Dennis Grass |