Sort by | Filename | Title | Author | Size | Time | Rating | Asc • DescDoom 2 1.7a to 1.7 binary patch        | Filename: | | This patch will downgrade Doom II version 1.7a to version 1.7, which cannot be obtained otherwise through official patches. There is a previous downgrade patch of this nature,, which only works on Windows 2000 and higher. I found this a... | Date: | 08/27/11 | Size: | 39.73 KB | Author: | Mike Swanson |
COMPAT v1.1 - Patch Combiner      | Filename: | | This is a nice little utility to combine D2 patches together into 1 patch.
It is pretty simple. Just supply the two filenames and the output filename
and it'll do it.... | Date: | 02/23/96 | Size: | 8.21 KB | Author: | Stephen Crowley |
Doom 2 downgrade patch from V1.7A to V1.7       | Filename: | | This patch will downgrade any legal and unmodified copy of DOOM II V1.7a to DOOM II V1.7. There are various DOOM2 upgrade patches from iD Software and a downgrade patch by FunDuke from V1.9 to V1.666; however, there is as yet no way to get plain V1.7... | Date: | 11/25/08 | Size: | 930.69 KB | Author: | Martin Howe |
D2 v4.2      | Filename: | | Edit Thing, Ammo, Weapon and Frame tables
and create new evil monsters or modify
old ones. Cyber demons that look like
players, super-fast rockets, invisible troopers,
rapid-fire weapons, Infinite Ammo, and more!
A bunch of cool patches are inc... | Date: | 11/24/95 | Size: | 80.05 KB | Author: | Stephen Crowley |
Deframed v. 1.0 | Filename: | | Deframed v. 1.0 is a very crude utility to extract the frame table from
the registered version 1.2 of DOOM.EXE. Patch files can be created in text
or binary format, edited and written back to DOOM.EXE. Deframed must reside
in the directory with ... | Date: | 07/01/94 | Size: | 24.29 KB | Author: | Chris Gillespie |
Helpfile for DeHackEd       | Filename: | | This txt-file is made for use with the editor DeHackEd. I did it for me when I started more projects then I ever could finished, to be honest I never finished one of them. Anyway if someone still works with this editor, this might perheps help you a ... | Date: | 08/05/05 | Size: | 18.09 KB | Author: | Ralf Wueltener |
Hacking the DOOM.EXE file        | Filename: | | The file contains the article "Hacking the DOOM.EXE file". It
will form the basis for a new chapter in the forthcoming 1.4 doom specs.
Also included are 5 simple Qbasic programs to extract text lists of stuff
talked about in the artic... | Date: | 06/15/94 | Size: | 15.16 KB | Author: | Matt Fell |
DEHACKED Revenants       | Filename: | | Three small, vanilla-compatible, not-entirely-serious DEHACKED mods I've made. Revivant: Archvile resurrects everything as Revenants. (including other Archviles, Cyberdemons, Spiderdemons, Nazis and Keens) In addition, Pain Elemental spits Revenant... | Date: | 01/16/17 | Size: | 6.67 KB | Author: | scifista42 |
DeHackEd v3.0a      | Filename: | | DeHackEd is capable of heavily restructuring the way Doom works. It
allows you to modify a number of data tables from the Doom exe file. Make
fireballs invisible, make missiles do 2000 points of damage, make demons
float! Give your struggling M... | Date: | 09/04/95 | Size: | 114.38 KB | Author: | Greg Lewis (Tree) |
DeHackEd version 3.0a source code       | Filename: | | This is the full source code for DeHackEd version 3.0a, the
penultimate release of dehacked that Greg Lewis made (the
last one, 3.1, was a special version for final doom).
Amazingly this isn't already in the archive. It was
downloaded from &l... | Date: | 10/17/06 | Size: | 84.9 KB | Author: | Greg Lewis |
DeHackEd v3.1        | Filename: | | DeHackEd v3.1, the best Doom exe
editor available! Improvements
over v2.4 include Ultimate Doom
support, along with cheat code,
code pointer and other misc data
editing, along with numerous
other improvements. Load the
included patch for an incredi... | Date: | 02/26/97 | Size: | 111.68 KB | Author: | Greg Lewis (Tree) |
DeHackEd Manager v1.0      | Filename: | | Can't stand constantly changing the DEHACKED.INI file between DOOM and DOOM2? Now you don't have to! This program does it for you!... | Date: | 09/20/95 | Size: | 2.77 KB | Author: | "Kamikazi" Chris Niggel |
DeHackEd - old versions: v. 1.0, 1.2, 1.3, 2.0, v2.1, v2.2, v2.3, v2.4, v3.0        | Filename: | | DeHackEd is a tool, that changes the way, how the DooM executable works, that means, how the game DooM behaves. This package contains all the outdated versions of the tool. The latest version of DeHackEd by Greg Lewis, that is v3.0a, can be found in ... | Date: | 10/23/05 | Size: | 552.63 KB | Author: | Greg Lewis (Tree) |
DHMERGE 1.1 | Filename: | | DhMerge is a simple command line program which merges two dehacked patches into a
third.... | Date: | 07/20/94 | Size: | 17.09 KB | Author: | Alden Bates |
DooM II - downgrade from v. 1.9 to v. 1.666      | Filename: | | This patch downgrades a Doom II -version 1.9, down to v. 1.666. That version can then be upgraded to v. 1.7a by using the official upgrade patch. The doom2- version, that has been used as a base for this downgrade, had the timestamp 29. August 1994 (... | Date: | 01/26/05 | Size: | 2.2 MB | Author: | FunDuke |
Doom-Code Changer v1.0 | Filename: | | Change the codes in
Doom to something else
with this nice, little
util.... | Date: | 02/28/95 | Size: | 12.34 KB | Author: | Thomas Axelsson |
DMINFO: DooM INFO.c processors | Filename: | | DMINFO is a set of four command-line utilities on Unix and Windows (source code included) to generate information about objects in the executables of DOOM/DOOM ][, Heretic, Hexen, and Strife. DMINFO, 64INFO, HTINFO, HXINFO and SFINFO are C programs... | Date: | 07/04/17 | Size: | 649.4 KB | Author: | Frans P. de Vries |
DMPATCH.EXE      | Filename: | | To allow simple, consistent ways to patch the DOOM executable.... | Date: | 08/14/94 | Size: | 154.26 KB | Author: | Steve Larsen |
Doom-plus and Doom v1.91 hacks        | Filename: | | The patch in PLUS incorporate's e6y's hacks to raise Doom's limits so that it can load large or complex levels, the one in LONGTICS loads the changes discovered by cph to enable v1.91 demos. Visit the Doom-plus and v1.91 sites for more info: e6y (h... | Date: | 09/23/06 | Size: | 5.75 KB | Author: | Miguel Folatelli (aka myk) | | Filename: | | It reads the file doom.exe in the current directory and prints
out a table of the items and their attributes.
The file table.txt contains the output of this program.... | Date: | 06/16/94 | Size: | 13.67 KB | Author: | Sam Lantinga |
Ultimate Doom v1.9 to Doom v1.1 Downgrade      | Filename: | | This is a program written by Lee Killough ( to downgrade
Ultimate Doom 1.9 to Doom v1.1. The purpose was to enable anyone wishing to
experiment with the network packet drivers contained in v1.1 to do so by
"downgrading" their r... | Date: | 10/31/97 | Size: | 3.81 MB | Author: | Lee Killough |
DOOM Text Edit      | Filename: | | DTEDIT is a EXE editor for DOOM, DOOM II, and the ULTIMATE DOOM..
It allows you to make changes to text data in the game such as
those exit messages, gameplay status messages, story text, and also cheat codes.... | Date: | 12/29/99 | Size: | 121.55 KB | Author: | Dylan Hicks |
EXEdit 1.0       | Filename: | | EXEdit 1.0 will assist in editing the DOOM.EXE for the 1.2 registered version of
DOOM, a game created by id Software. At the current time, EXEdit 1.0 only edits
a limited part of the EXE file: 103 'things'. As time allows, I will be adding
more ... | Date: | 07/12/94 | Size: | 27 KB | Author: | David Saraniero |
HERETIC downgrade patch v. 1.3 --> 1.0        | Filename: | | This patch downgrades HERETIC v. 1.3 (HERETIC, SHADOW OF THE SERPENT RIDERS) to v. 1.0 of HERETIC. That's helpful for exe-hackers, users of heretic-deh-patches, created with older versions, fans of demo-lmps, recorded with older versions, and because... | Date: | 11/06/04 | Size: | 3.85 MB | Author: | Funduke |
HEXEN HACK EDITOR, version 0.53p      | Filename: | | A VERY DeHackEd-like editor for hexen.
In fact, the ONLY hack editor for hexen.
...It even works! (kinda...;-)... | Date: | 09/10/96 | Size: | 75.14 KB | Author: | Sune Marcher |
HEX      | Filename: | | The hexen hack editor. Lets you mess
hexen up almost as good as DeHackEd
let you mess up doom. Familiar interface.... | Date: | 09/14/98 | Size: | 184.39 KB | Author: | |
HHE v1.1      | Filename: | | HHE, the Heretic Hack Editor, is capable of heavily restructuring the
way Heretic works. It is based on the popular program DeHackEd (v2.3)
for Doom, and has almost the same editing abilities, with a few enhance-
ments. Peruse the various data ... | Date: | 05/05/95 | Size: | 59.59 KB | Author: | Greg Lewis (Tree) |
Hexen 1.1 to 1.0 binary patch | Filename: | | This patch will downgrade Hexen from version 1.1 to version 1.0. There has not been any other downgrade patches made available before, but Hexen 1.0 contains plenty of resources accidentally left in by Raven before release, which makes it quite int... | Date: | 12/25/13 | Size: | 1.2 MB | Author: | Mike Swanson | | Filename: | | The files in this archive were written by me because HEX, written by Sune
Marcher, does not patch the exe on the command line. You have to load it up
and do it (Hex is also larger). Can you say tedious?
I wanted something that can do it from... | Date: | 06/30/99 | Size: | 23.07 KB | Author: | Richard Lewis |
Sniper Scope        | Filename: | | Doom with a sniper scope! I attatched it to the shotgun, so when you have the shotgun equipped, press z to actiate sniper mode, and press x or change to another weapon to deactivate it. NOTE: This will only work properly in OpenGL mode. The Field-o... | Date: | 10/16/06 | Size: | 4.34 KB | Author: | xbolt |
WhackEd2      | Filename: | | A Dehacked clone for Windows operating systems. Also supports editing BEX files.... | Date: | 02/26/05 | Size: | 1.83 MB | Author: | Dennis 'Exl' Meuwissen |