Sort by | Filename | Title | Author | Size | Time | Rating | Asc • DescHOMER        | Filename: | | A replacement level for E1M1 designed to be played either by itself or else in conjunction with other Simpsons PWADS (such as the Fuoco/Blauwkamp WAD).... | Date: | 05/12/96 | Size: | 47.52 KB | Author: | me :-) |
HOMER2      | Filename: | | A replacement level for Map01 of Doom2 designed... | Date: | 12/14/96 | Size: | 52.35 KB | Author: | me :-) |
HOMERS' DOOM - The PWAD version      | Filename: | | Homers' Doom is a complete collection of Simpson sounds to replace the
ones that come with Doom. Let's face it - if a moon base is infested
with demonic monsters and needs cleaning up, Homer J. Simpson is the
man to do it.
In creating Homers... | Date: | 11/03/94 | Size: | 389.1 KB | Author: | Dave Sawford and Andrew Gerrard |
The OFFICIAL Cacodemon > Homer J. Simpson PWAD!        | Filename: | | Yeah, yeah... I know. There are PLENTY of Simpsons patches out there.
But back in May of '94, there existed only the excellent (original) Simpsons
sound patch. This got me thinking... wouldn't it be neat to make a
graphics patch that would... | Date: | 03/03/95 | Size: | 73.28 KB | Author: | PK |
New installation for Simpsons 2 for Doom2/Doom1        | Filename: | | type "install" and the sprites will be appended to simp2spr.wad
as well as the creation of a runnable simpsons.bat file for either
Doom2 or Doom1 depending on which you have in the current directory.
This installation uses new features of deutex a... | Date: | 02/14/95 | Size: | 2.64 MB | Author: | Chuck Fuoco, Steve Blauwkamp | | Filename: | | Here is a dehacked patch that corrects the sounds for "The Simpsons"
wads ( It swaps sounds and makes it so the characters don't
say eachother's lines.... | Date: | 05/15/00 | Size: | 49.23 KB | Author: | |
SIMPSONS DOOM        | Filename: | | Simpsons sprites and sounds replacements... | Date: | 01/28/95 | Size: | 1.41 MB | Author: | "Spooky" Steve Blauwkamp & "Decapitated" Chuck Fuoco |
SIMPSONS DOOM       | Filename: | | Simpsons sprites and sounds replacements... | Date: | 10/09/94 | Size: | 1.25 MB | Author: | "Spooky" Steve Blauwkamp & "Decapitated" Chuck Fuoco |
HOMERDOOM2 revised version      | Filename: | | This is HOMERDOOM2 revised version
New installation, cleaner, safer, no need to uninstall,
3 separate PWAD instead of a bunch of .gif and .wav.
This replaces and obsoletes TOONDOOM.ZIP and .TXT... | Date: | 10/11/94 | Size: | 514.61 KB | Author: | Olivier Montanuy |
the ULTIMATE SIMPSONS-DooM2: Hell in Springfield!!!      | Filename: | | After playing this wad, I would imagine you'd be asking yourself one ques-
tion... "Why?" Why the hell did I spend 2 weeks creating this elaborate modifi-
cation of DooM2? Well, as a professional, award-winning commercial animator at
a small but r... | Date: | 04/10/02 | Size: | 4.11 MB | Author: | |