Sort by | Filename | Title | Author | Size | Time | Rating | Asc • DescAvPvT2 - Alien Vs Predator Vs Terminator        | Filename: | | A Partial Conversion based on these three movies, featuring:
3 single-player levels, new monsters and weapons, new sounds,
music, graphics, etc.
This is a legalized and bug-fixed version of AVPVT.ZIP.... | Date: | 05/09/00 | Size: | 2.45 MB | Author: | Sparky of KISS Software |
THEME17 for DCK v1.2 | Filename: | | The following files will allow you to create/edit DOOM levels for use with
the THEME17 patch in DCK v2.2. (Now there's no reason that more people can't
create THEME-levels!)
All that was essentially changed was frame references & various data... | Date: | 09/10/95 | Size: | 7.32 KB | Author: | Ian Merrithew |
THEME17 for DCK v1.3 -- DCK.TS file | Filename: | | This file is the sprites file needed by DCK to display the things when in
graphical display mode (hit 'T' when editing things). Putting this into
your DCK directory (back up your original!) will save you the trouble of
having to make it yourself ... | Date: | 09/27/95 | Size: | 53.82 KB | Author: | Ian Merrithew |
Pred2new.wad | Filename: | | This is technically version 2.0 of our Predator 2 sound wad, as the never-released version 1.0 was just for Doom1
(or at least carried no D2-specific sounds). Replacement for almost all sounds is included - all creature and player
sounds, and mos... | Date: | 11/27/95 | Size: | 1.24 MB | Author: | Eric Simon, Paul Alexander Key |
Predator Sound FX        | Filename: | | Ok, so here are the Predator sounds for Doom, tested with Doom v1.2. We
wasted the better part of a night's rest to put them together. A few notes
regarding some of the sounds in Predator:
The sound of the BFG is a spliced sound of the Preda... | Date: | 07/10/94 | Size: | 600.58 KB | Author: | Dream Warrior, Time Traveler, "I don't want my handle on it." |
T2       | Filename: | | a single-player level for Doom II featuring new monsters,
weapons, sound and music, and a few textures. T2 is a combination of
several Doom addons including Theme Patch and AliensDoom.
T2 REQUIRES A SOURCE PORT WHICH CAN IMPORT DEHACKED PATCHE... | Date: | 11/27/99 | Size: | 858.94 KB | Author: | Sparky of KISS Software |
Theme Deadbase      | Filename: | | (read this!): TO PLAY THIS LEVEL THE CORRECT WAY YOU MUST INSTALL THE THEME DOOM PATCH 1.7!... | Date: | 01/04/97 | Size: | 46.11 KB | Author: | Alberto Barsella and Werner Spahl |
THEME DOOM PATCH 1.7        | Filename: | | Do you ever wanted to see ALIEN vs PREDATOR vs TERMINATOR in Doom?
Now it is possible! The Theme Doom Patch modifies Doom and Doom 2
to feature the deadly monsters from your favorite action movies: ... | Date: | 01/04/97 | Size: | 842.84 KB | Author: | Werner Spahl |
UNofficial alternate Theme dehacked patch | Filename: | | Themealt.deh is an UNofficial alternate dehacked patch and theme2.wad is an additional wad to use with Werner Spahl's Theme Patch 1.7 for levels not specially designed for Theme Patch. It's a load of fun to have a small amount of respawning enemies o... | Date: | 10/09/99 | Size: | 21.6 KB | Author: | Mike Fredericks (Gokuma) |
Theme Outpost        | Filename: | | (read this!): TO PLAY THIS LEVEL THE CORRECT WAY YOU MUST INSTALL THE THEME DOOM PATCH 1.7!... | Date: | 11/03/99 | Size: | 191.36 KB | Author: | Scott Amspoker and Werner Spahl |
Predator & Prey (version 2) for Theme Patch v1.7 by Werner Spahl      | Filename: | | Just like Dutch (Arnold Schwartzenegger) in the movie PREDATOR you're up against a formidable, semi-invisible enemy. Also like the movie, you've got a few of your buddies to help, but they don't have your skills and soon it will be just you against t... | Date: | 11/03/99 | Size: | 149.28 KB | Author: | Doom II version: Sparky of KISS Software Doom I version (thprey.wad): Ian Merrithew |
Theme Shock      | Filename: | | Your mercenary company has been hired by 'the company' to put down a rebellion on a Scientific Colony (specializing in genetic research). After fighting off meager resistance on the surface, you find your way down to the central bunker, location of t... | Date: | 09/21/95 | Size: | 41.94 KB | Author: | Bill Lachance |
Theme Patch Skins      | Filename: | | Theme Patch skins of enemies from Werner Spahl's Theme Patch for Doom Legacy, ZDoom, or any other source port with skin support. These were modified to make them suitable for replacement players.... | Date: | 10/09/99 | Size: | 380.2 KB | Author: | Mike Fredericks (Gokuma) |
Theme Urban      | Filename: | | (read this!): TO PLAY THIS LEVEL THE CORRECT WAY YOU MUST INSTALL THE THEME DOOM PATCH 1.7! Append (not -as!) the theme17.wad then deutex -join theme17.wad thurbgfx.wad run the game with doom -file theme17.wad thurban.wad and restore with deutex -... | Date: | 10/27/99 | Size: | 176.99 KB | Author: | Bill Zimmerman and Werner Spahl |