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Woah! Crash Bandicoot Doom (unofficial redux)

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About This File

I decided to make this after seeing Nitroactive's take and being disappointed by the fact that Crash didn't animate. I also went a little overboard along the way so there's a Crash variation to replace every monster.

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I set aside my dislike of this meme and actually take a look at how the game plays with every enemy replaced with Crash Bandicoot in one way or another, all in his infamous woah meme. Unlike Nitroactivie's original version of the mod, where every game is the exact same unanimated Crash doing his woah phase, this mod actually has all the original Doom enemies replaced with a variety of Crash Bandicoots, such as the ones replacing the possessed leaping at you (aside of the Chaingunner variant, which actually shoots bullets), Imp replacements throwing fireballs, and from then on all enemies act just like their original counterpart, only Crash Bandicoot and they all leap at you at random.


The leaping around is a bit of a gameplay changer since even the larger Crash Bandicoots can still leap some distances to get closer to you, and if anything you don't want to be close to a Cyberdemon Crash Bandicoot as they also can still shoot rockets at you. On the original Doom IWAD maps, the enemies sure go all over the place and often drop themselves into open wide pits of lava or acid so you won't exactly kill them in the same vein as you do with the original Doom enemies. Aside of leaping, the Crash Bandicoot enemies don't really have massive changes to note really, and while yes Lost Souls die in 1-2 bullets and understanding how Revenants attack in this mod still somehow frustrates me, it's pretty much Doom with a whole lot more annoyance, and it can get to your ears real quick on hearing the same loud woahs the entire game (that is if you go out of your way to do so).


There really isn't much to check out with this mod aside of a 5 minute chuckle about killing the Crash meme only for that to get annoying real quick. Yes the enemies are well animated and no the mod isn't exactly bad, it's playable and it does try to make up what would be some bad difficulty spikes by dropping health bonuses and occasionally weapons (regardless of enemy type from what I've experienced) as a source of ammo. However, there really isn't much worth checking out other than playing for the sake of internet memes. I would say it might be worth a shot, but if you want to play more than a couple maps I hope you don't mind hearing Crash saying woah hundreds of times as that might drive your patience low real quickly.

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Surprisingly well made. Some enemies used fireballs to attack, but i'm not sure if there was a way to tell if it was a variant or not, but I didn't really pay attention so I can't say much.

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  • File Reviews

    • By Midway64 · Posted
      2fort on it's original incarnation.   Pretty great.
    • By Individualised · Posted
      The first ever version of 2fort. It barely resembles its later incarnations.   Crazy how an entire franchise and FPS genre spawned from a single map. It's a crime that the origins of Team Fortress have been forgotten. Most people don't know anything before Quake/TF1 2fort, but nope, this is yet another massively influential thing that the Doom community can claim.
    • By Yumheart · Posted
      Great fun. Bleak, metal-driven style over fairly easy substance, which is a good thing. I can see the song getting annoying in a more challenging map.
    • By bowserknight · Posted
      Pretty fun map if you want some quick, easy slaughter fun. Just sucks a bit that you can just cheese the whole thing by leaving the arena and running around at the edges of the map. Cool to play with gameplay mods tho!   Music is alright but it does get a little annoying after a while.
    • By Bri0che · Posted
      Classic, sober, simple tech map that I'm fond of. The flow of the map is like a river, and the backtrack (that myself is usually upset about) is intuitive to follow. The teleport repopulation is smart enough. I don't know about the health/ammo tightness other comments talked about because I played with a mod.