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Ashurion Neonix

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About Ashurion Neonix

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  1. Ashurion Neonix

    [fixed] Slade unable to find patches despite being there

    Ok so turns out that it doesn't affect anything asides a visual bug in slade and restarting fixed the problem. weird
  2. making 2 textures that are recoloured versions of another texture. So I copy paste the patches and add them, and now slade can't recognise anything other than the last ones I made. Deleting texture1 and pnames and making new ones does not help. All these patches are between PP_START and PP_END so I'm not sure why only those 4 aren't being recognised Only bottom 4 are detected yet all 4 are present
  3. Ashurion Neonix

    My save file broke in a very weird way.

    I thought I could save it until I saw that. What amazes me is that there's an actual map.
  4. Ashurion Neonix

    Later comer, I know. Difficulty question

    I find early 2016 harder because of the predictive aim. Once you get more weapons and the enemies become more varied the difficulty drops off. Eternal is more consistent in it's difficulty and draws more from mechanical skill, requiring less positioning due to it being easier to recover damage. Since I mainly practice combos and movement over strategy, I tend to find the first two maps in 2016 to be hardest, but after that I don't have much of an issue.
  5. Ashurion Neonix

    How do you personally play doom?

    I'm literally the same. I like to save between but not during fights.
  6. Back in 2018 I decided I wanted to play half-life 1. Since I wasn't able to get it at the time, my dad gave me his copy of doom and I played the first episode through dosbox. Making it my first singleplayer FPS. (Unless you count this one doom fangame I found on gamejolt.) I then switched to gzdoom for the other 2 episodes. A few months later I played the original release of doom 2 with infinite ammo because I found it too hard. I later beat them on UV about a year later. I later played doom 3, doom 64, and a few months ago doom 2016. I'm hoping to play eternal soon.
  7. Ashurion Neonix

    Map Design Tips and Tricks for beginners!

    A little extra tip is to place small impassable lines around small pillars on walls and corners, and over small gaps in walls. (Don't do this for things larger than 16*16) This stops players from getting stuck on walls. While this is optional on single player maps, (look at sigil e5m6) you should always do this for Deathmatch.
  8. Ashurion Neonix

    Do you like other retro games (other than DOOM)?

    As well as the doom franchise, I regularly play through the heretic/hexen games, Prodeus, cruelty squad, and the new blood games, especially ultrakill and amid evil. I'll also play quake and the half-life games but not as often. Outside of retro games, I pretty much only play modern doom and ghostrunner.
  9. Ashurion Neonix

    How do you aproach building maps?

    I like to think about a theme and then plan a top down layout on paper. (It's just quicker) I then copy the map into my editor and modify sections if they are too big/small, running through the map to test. I then detail the map one are at a time, adding items, key features, height, and textures. I then run around the map in-game again. Once all the areas are complete, I add secrets, line/sector actions, and detail. I then finish off with monsters, ammo, extra weapons, decorative things, and lighting. I then finally repeat playtest to get the items and enemies right. To put simply, I make a room plan with a simple box layout on paper. I then turn that into a map through improvisation.
  10. Ashurion Neonix

    Doom 1 or 2?

    Doom 2 has the best gameplay with the new enemies and the ssg vastly improving combat. My only issues are that the maps lack decoration compared to the original, The difficulty dropoff near the end, and the fact that some maps, particularly the city levels, feel more boring to play. As for the final map, I love it. It's music hurts my ears though.
  11. I'd remake E2M5, E3M5, and E3M7. While I don't mind the confusing layouts, there isn't really any reason to explore. I feel like they could use some extra decoration and some more enemies in the later parts as the just sort of dry out at the end. I'd also add some platforms across the lava so you don't have to backtrack for rad suits. Plus it would add more decoration to the big open main room. Also E3M8, the final boss dies way to quickly. I'd probably add a lot more enemies. Maybe even multiple arenas with masterminds.
  12. Ashurion Neonix

    Sky texture Hell!

    Doom writer is a pretty good tool for generating Text in the doom font. (Or any custom doom font file.) The interface works pretty similar to the way zandronums coloured name system works. Once you are done you are can just resize the exported PNG in another editor. Doomkid did a pretty good tutorial on it. https://youtu.be/zfQWZNliozM
  13. Ashurion Neonix

    Doom Timeline Question

    *hits blunt* Doom 3 could potentially fit, There are just a few problems. Doom 3 depicts the first attempt to colonise mars. However, mars is already shown as colonised in every other doom game, yes, even in the readme for doom 1. Because of this doom 3 will only properly fit either before doom 1. Only issue, the Doom Slayer is shown on an ancient tablet. How could he be ancient if he hasn't even gone to hell yet. Alternatively Doom 3 could take place after Eternal. Doom 3 mentions how the Doom Slayer had to sacrifice his people to defeat the demons, his people could've been old humanity. That would also explain how the humans in Doom 3 evolved from the ancient civilization. It would also explain the ruins as Old humans have already built bases on mars. On top of that it would also explain how the humans are using lesser technology compared to the ancient civilization. The ancient artefacts could be argent powered which humanity would have discovered. In conclusion, Doom 3 would only properly fit either, with the same marine before Doom 1 (Implying the slayer is a time traveller.) Or, Millions of years after Doom Eternal with a completly new species of human and (Obviously) with a different marine. Just one Issue with this, It would mean the new organisation would also be called UAC, (coincidence?) and that the soul cube appearing in Olivia's ofiice wouldn't make sense. (Unless the soul cube is incredibly ancient, not purpose created in which case it would make total sense.) Personally I think the "Millions of years in the future with a different humanity" Explanation makes more sense, since before doom 1 would require time travel. This took 30 whole minutes to type, damn.
  14. Ashurion Neonix

    Sky texture Hell!

    I've been using Aseprite as it works quite well for spriting and pixel art. (It is paid though.)