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About Akagi666

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    Green Marine

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  1. Akagi666

    Is Plutonia 2 worth playing?

    I did that archvile jump strategy the first time I played it a while back. I'm replaying it now and could not get it to work consistently in practice so I just BFG'd them all. It's a lot easier to do the AV jump in GZ Doom because you get knocked higher for whatever reason. I wouldn't consider it "artificial difficulty," but I do think it's out of place on that map.
  2. Akagi666

    Is Plutonia 2 worth playing?

    Play it without saves and lose runs to the archvile swarm at the end and tell me how much you like it after that. That was my experience so I hated it lol. The rest of the level is slow and boring then there's a very skill testing fight at the very end. This is a trope I have always despised in maps. I don't mind something being difficult or taking a lot of attempts, but don't put a really slow, boring slog before it please. Chocolate was just weird and felt out of place. Did not feel like it fit at all (which is why it's super duper secret.)
  3. Akagi666

    Is Plutonia 2 worth playing?

    It's great, especially the Gusta levels. Map 11 and 33 are garbage though.
  4. They're a nice bonus, but I don't care about a pretty WAD with gameplay I find boring.
  5. Akagi666

    Mappers you wish to see make a comeback

    Gusta and Casali brothers.
  6. Akagi666

    What were the first Pwads you've ever played amd completed?

    Sigil, but I wouldn't really count that, so Plutonia 2.
  7. Akagi666

    The Dean of Doom series (companion thread)

    Well, regardless I enjoy the action elements of Doom more than wandering around mazes. If the combat is repetitive or boring, I don't enjoy it. If people enjoy 90s stuff that's fine, but I find it incredibly tedious and dull.
  8. Akagi666

    The Dean of Doom series (companion thread)

    I don't think so. It's just a more honest comparison than the black and white thing. Also, I'm not sure why you keep going on about zoomers, but I'm in my 30s so yeah, weird strawman.
  9. Akagi666

    The Dean of Doom series (companion thread)

    I don't think I ever claimed my opinion was objective? That would be a strange thing to say.
  10. Akagi666

    The Dean of Doom series (companion thread)

    Not sure why you keep resorting to personal attacks and strawmen. There is no difficulty issue, I just find these boring and tedious. Shotgunning Barons in a hallway isn't my idea of fun.
  11. Akagi666

    The Dean of Doom series (companion thread)

    This is a terrible analogy because what I complained about was gameplay, not the aesthetics. A better comparison would be if black and white films were known for having poor acting or badly written stories. But they aren't and I like black and white films. Also lol at being a zoomer when I said most of the games I play are from the 90s. The problem is the level design itself, not the time period.
  12. Akagi666

    The Dean of Doom series (companion thread)

    As I said before, good art doesn't need you to make excuses or go on about historical context, it speaks for itself. These can be important historically and not be worth playing today. If people enjoy these, then that's fine by me, but I don't find their gameplay engaging. Also, I'd just like to add that I mostly play games from the 90's, so I have no bias against the time period in general, that was the time I started playing videogames. I just don't think the Doom maps from that era are very good from what I've seen/played. LSC Lasico did a good job explaining, so I'll just leave it at that.
  13. Akagi666

    The Dean of Doom series (companion thread)

    Go for it then man, the 90's has you covered. More power to you if you like that, I just find it dreadfully boring.
  14. Akagi666

    The Dean of Doom series (companion thread)

    Solely from the video yeah, I avoid this stuff like the plague. Any thing where you wander around maze like levels shotgunning barons and pinkies is a skip for me. I don't know why people have such reverence for 90's stuff cause all of it that I've seen or played has been garbage. People dickride Memento Mori all the time, but it was legit one of the worst wads I have ever played.
  15. Akagi666

    The Dean of Doom series (companion thread)

    I watched the whole thing just now and didn't see anything I would call overly mean or a "personal attack." I think this is just people being thin-skinned. The wad did look extremely bad and like it was mostly shotgunning barons in hallways, which is what I expected from a 90's wad. I don't think Mt Pain is particularly mean. His reviews of maps are really short and I feel like he rushes through them without saying much. The reviews don't dig deep enough to be useful to me. Still don't get why people are seething about it though.