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Congestion 384

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About This File

20 levels with play limited to a 384x384 square!

The player is often able to see a larger area and monsters may cross these boundaries. The only exception is where an exit line lies close to the edge of the square, possibly allowing the players' toes to cross over before the exit is triggered.

I've also followed the intermission scheme breaking it into three eps, though the theme in the final ep is not as consistent as it could be for reasons outlined below.

All maps were developed and tested to be played in UV from a pistol start. Playing through should be possible but health may be very tight. Pacifist is at least theoretically possible but space is often meager and you may have a hard time moving forward without clearing a path.

This was originally intended to be released in Early 2007 but got left to waste after a hard disk cock-up meant half the maps were corrupted. However a couple weeks ago i was forced to take a few days bed rest due to a minor operation and, laptop close at hand, had nothing to do but catch up on some Dooming. So i resurrected the working maps, rebuilt some others and have spent another few evenings since polishing it off. Enjoy!

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Playability notes: Designed for vanilla usage, so take your pick. Play with pistol starts.


Congestion 384, though quite small in stature, is solidly refined in both aesthetic and encounter design. While no level is all that hard, each one fits an interesting fight into the space available, and I can't ask for much more.


Inspired by Congestions 1024 and 64, this limitation is something of a middle ground, only allowing for the player to navigate within the confines of a 384x384 block. Needless to say this is very small, and at its very boundaries the player can only move within 12 widths of one's self along either axis. Still, it's enough to fit a fight or two, as this mapset eloquently shows.


The encounters really are well-handled, perhaps due to the limitation itself: each level has to pull its own weight, lest the entire mapset come across as filler. There are a couple stumbling cases wherein an otherwise difficult enemy can be skipped by exiting a level early, but played as-is they would be a fun challenge. The aesthetic also plays enough of a role to benefit encounters, stealthily giving the appearance of a full map but eventually revealing a new group or two.


I'd mention highlights but in the time it would take to read one you could finish its respective map, so instead I'll mention my favorites: MAP03, MAP05, MAP08, MAP10, MAP12-MAP15, MAP18. It's a fun little mapset worth a quick playthrough and an excellent primer for those just stepping beyond the difficulty of Doom1 or Doom2.

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agree with other reviews - this is as awesome as 384x384 can be. Loved lvl 20!

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Did what could be done for 384x384

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an interesting quickie but it's not as good as it should be.

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I didn't expect much, but these maps surprised me pleasantly. Despite the limiting concept, they provide a fun and comfortable continuous ride, and a reasonable, challenging and fair practice from pistol starts. The mapper has practised efficient design, and succeeded. That's what I admire. Low bow. The maps are imperfect, but IMO, they're the best (most enjoyable) thing that could be done within the concept. 5/5.

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Unknown date

Not bad at all for a quick blast, the maps are well made and sometimes it is necessary to think first before jumping into a firefight in order to survive. This WAD is not for everyone, but those that like small, fast and simple maps will enjoy this. 3/5

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Unknown date

Really fun, 4/5

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Unknown date

Initially a great concept with some clever layouts...other levels could have used more thought but it was fun. A little too tough in later levels for such cramped areas. 3/5

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Unknown date

A fairly good map set! The switch hidden in map 16 kind of threw me off as well as the other two switches in one of the later maps. That was my only gripe, but it felt cramped, but that didn't bother me. Nicely designed and monster placement, 4/5! :D-Candle M

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Unknown date

"Humanity is saved, but you will never return home." This made me go :(

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Unknown date

I liked the concept of the maps. Except for some of them having some game breaking bugs and some of them being impossible to complete I had to use cheats multiple times to get around these. Anyways good wad, I'll give it a 3/5 -HydroAmbience

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Unknown date

Probably the smallest non-concept and non-horrible megawad around, these maps test the lines between small but nice and so small that they are just pointless. But structuring it into episodes helps; treat it as three smallish but not outright tiny levels. Any smaller than this is just getting ridiculous with your limits though. But this is a nice quick kill; just understand that it doens't even remotely have 20 maps worth of playtime in it. If you thought 1024 was still too big, try this.

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Unknown date

I gave it a four, as I had fun with it. Good for a 15 minute kill.

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Unknown date

I agree. Its very cleverly done. Storyline was good. It was interesting idea but its only worth playing a few times. I'll give it 3 stars.

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Unknown date

Well this is a new concept, haha. I played those maps pretty quickly and I don't regret my time. Good work, Cycloid. 4/5 - Moti

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Unknown date

For the restriction the use isn't too bad. If you're bored give it a try. It's just average though, you'll play it and forget.

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Unknown date

Pretty damn neat. Action packed and never gets boring! 4/5 - Chex Warrior

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Unknown date

Really nice, bite-size version of Doom. Fast, fun, and challenging. Sometimes plays like a puzzle-esque version of Doom, with the entire level including enemies in view, waiting for you to strategize. Supposedly can be played from pistol start, but some levels just beg for you to already be packing heavy ordinance. Short enough to warrant the occasional play through.

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Unknown date

Pretty fun level set for a quick Doom fix. Close combat kept the adrenaline flowing as I rush to hunt before I become the hunted. The ending was frightening though seeing as the main character is trapped in a stone room for ETERNITY!! Mwahaha. Nice work though Mr. Cycloid, happy endings are overrated. I give it 4/5!

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Unknown date

Nicely done. Thinking I wanted once to make a congestion 256 set of maps, I see that even 384 is small enough :P 4/5 - Optimus

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Unknown date

I really enjoyed this one. Small levels make for very interesting gameplay. 4/5 -r_rr

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Unknown date

OK, is this a joke wad or what? lol. I mean, maps no bigger than 384x384? I could thoroughoutly enjoy the 1024 series but this is, eh, junk. What am I supposed to like about these pocket sized, poorly designed maps that take no longer than 15 seconds to complete? Cyberdreams is fun, this one isn't. 3/5 because it's still good for a mindless carnage and some laughs.

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Unknown date

This is dated February 2009. It's good fun; unlike Congestion 64 it's not a novelty, the levels are playable and entertaining although you really have to play them all in sequence. At first it feels like one level that has been split into bits, but it becomes more varied as it goes on. Map16 seems a bit pointless (you can easily dodge the cyber, and you end up with loads of rockets), and Map20 only works properly if you use stock Doom II (i.e. no looking up and down).

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Unknown date

Meh. If only the author polished the visuals a bit (they're very bare), added some new music and maybe some funky new level names.

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Unknown date

Finished it within 12 minutes. I don't regret my time. It's a interesting idea although I disliked it when there were more then 2-3 enemies in a tight room which made dodging impossible. If you're not doing a UV max run, then you can beat most levels without having to bother beating some of the enemies. Final boss can be beaten within 15-20 seconds. Good stuff. 4/5

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  • File Reviews

    • By Midway64 · Posted
      2fort on it's original incarnation.   Pretty great.
    • By Individualised · Posted
      The first ever version of 2fort. It barely resembles its later incarnations.   Crazy how an entire franchise and FPS genre spawned from a single map. It's a crime that the origins of Team Fortress have been forgotten. Most people don't know anything before Quake/TF1 2fort, but nope, this is yet another massively influential thing that the Doom community can claim.
    • By Yumheart · Posted
      Great fun. Bleak, metal-driven style over fairly easy substance, which is a good thing. I can see the song getting annoying in a more challenging map.
    • By bowserknight · Posted
      Pretty fun map if you want some quick, easy slaughter fun. Just sucks a bit that you can just cheese the whole thing by leaving the arena and running around at the edges of the map. Cool to play with gameplay mods tho!   Music is alright but it does get a little annoying after a while.
    • By Bri0che · Posted
      Classic, sober, simple tech map that I'm fond of. The flow of the map is like a river, and the backtrack (that myself is usually upset about) is intuitive to follow. The teleport repopulation is smart enough. I don't know about the health/ammo tightness other comments talked about because I played with a mod.