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About Flameonoodle

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  1. Flameonoodle


    The screenshots made it look promising, the reviews were mostly 1-3 Stars. I had mixed feelings. So I started up ZDL and ran it. Because ZDL loads the first level instantly, I missed the title screen, Which was actually pretty creepy. The Wad begins in a small room with 3 Fodder. You go into the passage and 6 Barons approach you. I could not find the Red Key so I had to use Give Keys. You kill the Barons and the, "Horror" begins. You see a bunch of dead Demons in the hallway implying that the Exetior in this game isn't a Human or a Demon and is a predator to both. And then everything else from here is from Sonic.exe. You play as 3 different marines getting killed by Exetior. So, what do I think after beating it? I actually kind of had fun. Sonic.exe was never meant to be actually scary, and is basically just there to make fun of. Which is exactly what this is. Just a fun time to laugh at. And I hope there is more mods like this, because Sonic.exe actually kind of works with the Doom engine. 3.5/5...000
  2. Flameonoodle

    The Revenant Problem

    This Wad is purely a comedic story campaign. Gameplay-Wise there's not much to say. BUT! I would highly recommend playing despite all this. It's a good way to spend 30 Minutes!