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Cybernight Zero

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About Cybernight Zero

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    Cybernight Zero

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  1. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F7bsyiPHU61pUl7oDrGLLHti17IjkRZK/view?usp=sharing This is a map I made back in 2009, then reworked a year ago, and finished recently. Its a mash up of tech base with hellish flesh taking over. This is a beta map IWAD: doom2.wad Map: Map05 Name: Morbid Night Source Port: Anything limit removing Give me your thoughts
  2. Cybernight Zero

    As Below So Above (Beta version of New Map)

    that works. thanks
  3. Cybernight Zero

    As Below So Above (Beta version of New Map)

    The link doesn't work.
  4. Cybernight Zero

    As Below So Above (Beta version of New Map)

    Here is a playthrough from myself
  5. Cybernight Zero

    As Below So Above (Beta version of New Map)

    UPDATE: Seems I found a sector marked as a secret that shouldn't have been. Also there were some hidden monsters somewhere but Ill have to get to the bottom of that later.
  6. Cybernight Zero

    As Below So Above (Beta version of New Map)

    Thanks for posting the playthrough. I watched it and will use it to make some improvements. I will post a video here from my own channel to to a demo of this.
  7. This is a map I made some time ago and finished the other day. I based it on a map from Ultimate Doom but with Doom 2 monsters. (I do stray from the design a lot) Game(IWAD): doom2.wad Level: Map08 Source Port: Vanilla Doom (but since the other maps I've made are for any limit removing port I do encourage at least crispy doom) Your thoughts, opinion and feedback are appreciated. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MxudlUmRuOxH7WC2letXfAxiLv4xODA3?usp=sharing
  8. Cybernight Zero

    Agonal Station

  9. Cybernight Zero

    Agonal Station

    Ok it should be fixed now.
  10. Cybernight Zero

    Agonal Station

    I finished This new map a while back and wanted to share it as part of my upcoming episode. Level: Map04 of Doom 2 Uses doom2.wad Here is a link to the file https://drive.google.com/file/d/1umDQIPyd_x2JjwBUZv1Gux2kNttVek31/view?usp=sharing
  11. Cybernight Zero

    My Critcisms of Freedoom

    I'm currently doing a playthrough of Freedoom Phase 2 and honestly, I do like the changes to the weapons. Its refreshing to have something different, even if its a bit inferiors to OG Doom. The monsters have for the most part awesome designs, (except the Spider Mastermind replacement, ha ha.) My complain, (big complain TBH) is the unevenness of the maps. I find most of the later maps, starting with Map 15, and Map 32 and on, either don't have quite enough ammo, and/or big weapons to deal with the opposition. Also a HUGE lack of health. Part of what made The Plutonia Experiment fun was offering big weapons like the Plasma gun and rocket launcher, with plenty of rockets. I find that either the Plasma is not included enough and the rocket launcher too late in the level. If you don't believe me try Map22 from a pistol start and you'll see.
  12. Cybernight Zero

    Ancient Aliens

    The visuals are the obvious showcase here. Don't get me wrong, though; there are great levels with fun to be had. Many levels do contain design flaws I believe are at work in making a number of these levels not fun. For one, the design is overall too symmetrical. The visual communication of Doom has always been outstanding. (Red stripes indicate a red key required, and you see an outside area, the tunnel in E1M1 is a clue of how to get there; green liquid usually indicates hurt floors, as do lava and blood. (and sometimes poop brown water tee he.). What key do I need if a door looks like fire, red or yellow? If you have four hallways/corridors going around a middle piece and all look the same, the player won't be pushed into what he/she needs to do next. Sometimes the switches blend right into the environment. This is Doom, so great combat is a must. At times this wad gets this right on the money. I'm thinking of the second level, where you start the map fighting lower-level enemies and then run into higher-tier ones toward the end. In that regard, this wad was great. But hold on a minute, is it great? Well, yes and no. There are levels where you run into so many archvilles it's downright predictable. How about dropping the player unexpectedly into an ambush? I expect that in Doom, but this trap gets worn out here. In many cases, this wad "repeats its refrain too much." The second part of gameplay is ammo and weapons. How is that? Well its a mixed bag TBH. There are levels where you won't have enough shotgun shells or rockets, and somewhere you run out of ammo completely. (I almost gave this wad a 3 but decided not to.) This was done with the intention of artificially increasing the difficulty, and levels become tedious because of it. (I understand the "Tyson" map idea, but come on, punching a caco, how bout no!.) My last point relates to this wad being "boom compatible." Sure, it was configured for that but not all levels run in PR or GLboom. (Map 24 in particular.) and besides that the intermission screen text doesn't appear except in Z or GZDoom (There is also audio in maps you wont hear. That said, playing this in GZDoom or ZDoom is highly recommended (and that's what this wad is meant to be played in. doh!) So to wrap it up, overall, the maps are beautiful and offer something unique in terms of look and even gameplay, but the lack of ammo and symmetrical design might leave you running around scratching your head on what to do to pass the level. (I honestly didn't struggle much but have seen it enough to bring it up.
  13. Cybernight Zero

    Hell Revealed

    I'll give this wad credit where credit is due. Into the Gate City in the Clouds, The round crossroads, Underground Base, Last Look at Eden, The Black Towers, Siege, Resistance is Futile, Dead Progressive, Top Hell, and Mostly Harmful, All are great classic levels with memorable designs if not basic design visually and in terms of action. But way too many levels rely on giving the player too little ammo and health and locking the player in a small room with high-tier enemies. Anyone can do that. I'd give it a 5 out of 5 but again, the levels listed are excellent, but many others are junk and not fun to play. Also many levels feature a symmetrical design that confuses even vet players. And a lot of design choices had already been done to death at that point anyway.
  14. I tend to like shorter maps and 3 or 4 secrets, but that's my preference. TNT Revilution has way more levels with a ridiculous amount of secrets so not sure what the fuss was with your map. Likely we were just used to like 1 or 2 secrets per map. Rather than changing tagging secrets, I suggest better telegraphing it to the player to make it easier to find.
  15. Cybernight Zero

    What happened to my custom textures scrolling

    Thank you. My issue is partially fixed, though now the waterfall, though they are in the correct order, still scroll the wrong textures. I'll have to look again, but will do some research if i can't figure it out.