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About BigDickBzzrak

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    Senior Member

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  1. Why am I enjoying this a lot Just out of curiosity and with no malicious intent, have you ever actually played a Terry wad? I'm not talking the troll shit that deletes your homework or the shit that Aquarius199 plays in packs of 8, but the actually meaningful stuff that required a lot of effort and was put together by a devoted team of people? E.g. UAC Military Nightmare or B4NM. Some ideas in wads like that can be absolutely genius. Unless you're some sort of Doom nazi that requires that all wads have 3 new palettes, 1400 unique textures on each level, perfect setpiece encounter pacing and 37000 sidedefs per map while remaining Boom-compatible, you could totally enjoy stuff like that.
  2. BigDickBzzrak

    Future technology

    How the hell did you manage to see this in his post Please describe your thought flow in detail as I'm genuinely interested
  3. BigDickBzzrak

    What the fuck's a nodebuilder?

    For vanilla: BSP (the nodebuilder called "BSP") has this thing where if you tag a line with a tag between 901 and 998, you... uh... make it do some stuff that very much helps in avoiding vanilla limits. I think it excludes it from the blockmap or something??????? Really not sure, but the point is: it helps. Also I discovered that it can do this: And in general, it's way way more friendly if you do crazy-ass vanilla hack stuff.
  4. BigDickBzzrak

    So, how old are you ?

    An adult in exactly half a year Hahahah, crazy, I know!
  5. BigDickBzzrak

    Where is Dr. Sleep?

    Damn I knew what it is when I saw this thread bumped again RIP Dr Sleep
  6. BigDickBzzrak

    Most awkward thing to ever happen to you

    Wow hahahahahhah a dude who's making an effort to speak your language, so that your uneducated American ass would understand him, doesn't put enough effort into it LET'S MAKE FUN OF HIM YESSSS THAT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO
  7. BigDickBzzrak

    Share a random fact about yourself

    山卄卂... 山卄卂丅????
  8. BigDickBzzrak

    Most awkward thing to ever happen to you

    You contradict yourself here Anyway in 7th grade I was kinda weird and really socially anxious and all the other stuff people go thru at 12 So there was this girl in my class that I kinda liked but she really pissed me off for some reason as well. So I would kinda express that out loud. This went on during 7th grade and a part of 8th. Yeah that was cringe but at least I grew out of it and turned out to be the badass I am today, I regret nothing Thank god I'm not that autistic anymore
  9. BigDickBzzrak

    Favorite thing about the Doom games?

    Slaughtermaps obviously There's something so rewarding about slaughtering thousands of cyberdemons with a two bfg blasts and flexing on all these n00bs who can't do that and instead just whine all day and shit up this forum 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎 get good Also yes I just used an emoji
  10. BigDickBzzrak

    Dumb Stuff You Believed When You Were a Kid

    Of course you knew what a sprite was as a kid Their bfs probably believe the same now Lol, in my language the term for raisin is literally "dried grape" O O F
  11. Disagreed Pineapple on pizza is acceptable
  12. BigDickBzzrak

    Share a random fact about yourself

    I'm so sorry for saying the following but a McDonald's wikia is the most cancerous shit I've ever seen on the Internet And I've seen stuff
  13. BigDickBzzrak

    Old farts club

    Holy shit, if that works then I don't even know dude thanks
  14. BigDickBzzrak

    Old farts club

    Hahah, yeah I know, my posture's kinda bad (not terrible tho). Any particular advice or resources or exercises that you recommend? It's appreciated
  15. BigDickBzzrak

    Old farts club

    I'm 17, but my back and knees are apparently 70 or so, does that count? How did memes hurt you, of all things ffs Oh come on they aren't that scary