Sort by | Filename | Title | Author | Size | Time | Rating | Asc • Desc3dsonic skin        | Filename: | | I was sick of all the CRAP sonic skins on the interweb, so I decided to make
my own.... | Date: | 01/23/05 | Size: | 114.15 KB | Author: | Cutmanmike |
Gothic99 Player Skin Graphics v1.1       | Filename: | | Something truly wicked this way comes... New player graphics for use with the epic Gothic99... | Date: | 05/19/00 | Size: | 45.77 KB | Author: | Collin Potratz |
skin alejo by LUISDooMER        | Filename: | | es el skin de alejo de la serie de alejo y valentina de MTV... | Date: | 05/30/09 | Size: | 525.39 KB | Author: | LUISDooMER |
Banana skin        | Filename: | | You know that banana animation that's been posted at the doomworld forums? Yep, I got bored one night and I decided to convert it into a skin!... | Date: | 01/25/03 | Size: | 4.27 KB | Author: | deathz0r |
Blood of Bin Laden Skins        | Filename: | | Skins of most monsters from Blood of Bin Laden Monsters project. Skins include most monsters from imperial infidel forces (a.k.a. counter terrorism forces). You can be either a Mechanic, Dual M-1911 Pistol Unit, M-16 Rifle Unit, M-9A1 Super Bazooka U... | Date: | 09/16/13 | Size: | 7.48 MB | Author: | Infidel |
Bomberman Skin        | Filename: | | bomberman from super bomberman... | Date: | 12/05/02 | Size: | 64.59 KB | Author: | Mark "JACKASS" Dravich |
James Bond skin for Doom legacy        | Filename: | | Original gfx by the d00ds at the goldeneye tx... | Date: | 09/10/00 | Size: | 49.79 KB | Author: | Chris "Dragon" Pisarczyk |
Cactuar skin        | Filename: | | ... | Date: | 01/23/05 | Size: | 25.93 KB | Author: | Cutmanmike |
Caleb Skin for ZDOOM and Skulltag        | Filename: | | Caleb from Blood and Blood 2: The Chosen, converted To skin for use with ZDOOM and Skulltag.... | Date: | 02/01/01 | Size: | 188.45 KB | Author: | Cacodemon Leader ( |
Camo Skin for ZDOOM and Skulltag      | Filename: | | Basically what I think the 'ground force' marines would have looked like at the time of Doom.... | Date: | 02/08/01 | Size: | 34.36 KB | Author: | Maedhros |
skin carlitox by LUISDooMER        | Filename: | | es el skin de carlitox de la serie de alejo y valentina de MTV... | Date: | 05/30/09 | Size: | 513.3 KB | Author: | LUISDooMER |
Charmander Skins!       | Filename: | | 15 charmander skins, including various weapon, gender and outfit options.... | Date: | 01/14/10 | Size: | 377.13 KB | Author: | Kilkakon |
Chip The Wolf       | Filename: | | It's Chip the Wolf the Cookie Crisp cereal mascot. I did this as sort of an in-joke between a friend and I. Should be funny for co-op/deathmatch fun.... | Date: | 08/11/16 | Size: | 128.96 KB | Author: | Michael Jan Krizik (valkiriforce) |
Contra 3 Skins | Filename: | | For lovers of both Contra and Doom - now you can play as the old commandos from Contra III - Bill Rizer and Lance Bean.... | Date: | 12/27/17 | Size: | 183.98 KB | Author: | Michael Jan Krizik (valkiriforce) |
Ray Poward | Filename: | | It's Ray Poward from Contra: Legacy of War. Bit of a rough translation from the PS1 game into Doom so hopefully it plays well enough to work.... | Date: | 11/18/17 | Size: | 91.46 KB | Author: | Michael Jan Krizik (valkiriforce) |
Cor        | Filename: | | Personal skin of mawcor624, but anyone should feel free to use it.... | Date: | 02/02/07 | Size: | 28.02 KB | Author: | mawcor624 |
Cultist skin      | Filename: | | The Cultist from Blood. What else?... | Date: | 11/03/02 | Size: | 91.46 KB | Author: | Swampy |
Custom Marathon Skins      | Filename: | | Skins of most monsters from Custom Marathon Monsters project. Skins include most monsters from cultist forces. You can be either a Cultist A Rifle, Cultist Torcher, Mjolnir Soldier, Pfhor Trooper, Pfhor Burst Enforcer, and Pfhor Sentry Enforcer. Trol... | Date: | 12/17/13 | Size: | 1.9 MB | Author: | Thoth |
Cultist        | Filename: | | A Cultist from Blood.... | Date: | 11/17/04 | Size: | 101.99 KB | Author: | Matt Cibulas (A.k.a RottKing) |
Cutmanmike skin       | Filename: | | ... | Date: | 01/23/05 | Size: | 765.29 KB | Author: | Cutmanmike |
Doom64 Guy      | Filename: | | The Doom marine from Doom64.... | Date: | 05/02/04 | Size: | 96.91 KB | Author: | Matt Cibulas (A.k.a RottKing) |
DooMknight's Skin       | Filename: | | This is my skin that I use to play in ZDaemon, and Skulltag... | Date: | 10/18/05 | Size: | 143.2 KB | Author: | DooMknight |
Duke Nukem      | Filename: | | ... | Date: | 01/23/01 | Size: | 68.09 KB | Author: | Ruddy Palacios |
Enforcer skin       | Filename: | | The Enforcer from Duke Nukem 3D. Also includes a bot for Skulltag.... | Date: | 08/30/06 | Size: | 261.09 KB | Author: | RottKing |
Firebrand / Red Arremer Gargoyle skin        | Filename: | | A large, muscled up gargoyle, best known for being in Ghosts n' Goblins and the rest of it's following games. The gargoyle's default color is a light red (IT'S NOT PINK IT'S LIGHT RED)... | Date: | 12/08/04 | Size: | 54.03 KB | Author: | CheapAlert |
Foxxy skin        | Filename: | | ... | Date: | 05/21/05 | Size: | 1.27 MB | Author: | Cutmanmike |
Doom Guitarist      | Filename: | | This is a simple skin of a guitar wielding marine. Combined from various things at the time (see additional credits). There are two versions. The one called GuitarST.wad is for Skulltag, it includes a taunt and a botfile. The version called GuitarZD ... | Date: | 07/01/08 | Size: | 191.53 KB | Author: | Lupinx-ressurected aka. Lupinx-Kassman |
Hal skin for Zdoom (and related ports        | Filename: | | Hal well techinically a spheron some
fictitious critter born from
my doodles over numerous years
of bored note taking. Basically
its a ball with eyes and a base
ball cap and 2 free floating hands
and hemisphere like fe... | Date: | 07/09/01 | Size: | 89.72 KB | Author: | Carl Celizic (aka Striker) |
Half Soldier Skin For Doom Legacy       | Filename: | | A walking corpse skin, with no torso. * Note:The intestines on this character were created for a more gore patch (Doomgore 3.0) by the now defunct Doom modding team Chainsaw Productions (well, just the front view of them, actually.) Because the mod... | Date: | 08/11/01 | Size: | 81.84 KB | Author: | Paul Archibald (A.k.a Zipper & Cuisanart of Doom!!!) |
High Guard        | Filename: | | The High Guard from Rise of The Triad, one of my favorite enemies in the game mainly because of his funny sounds/sprites.... | Date: | 01/05/04 | Size: | 76.53 KB | Author: | Matt Cibulas (A.k.a RottKing) |
Hsien-Ko / Lei-Lei skin        | Filename: | | Chinese zombie from Darkstalkers did i mention she's a lesbian????? i modeled this btw... | Date: | 05/21/06 | Size: | 411.88 KB | Author: | CheapAlert |
Hunter Skins      | Filename: | | A skin pack that adds two new high quality skins, the WitchHunter by Captain Toenail and the Demon Hunter by IcyTux. They are dark, sinister individuals, dedicated to seeking out evil in all forms and banishing it from this world "eat leaden death, d... | Date: | 07/01/09 | Size: | 578.2 KB | Author: | Captain Toenail, IcyTux |
HUNT skin pack        | Filename: | | A pack of skins for ZDoom & Skulltag featuring the five members of Rise of the Triad's HUNT team. Also includes bots for both ZDoom and Skulltag.(see bottom notes)... | Date: | 06/27/06 | Size: | 381.43 KB | Author: | RottKing |
Inuyasha Skin      | Filename: | | This is a skin based on the popular anime series "Inuyasha" (as if you couldn't tell im a big fan :P)... | Date: | 10/11/04 | Size: | 12.12 KB | Author: | Mike "Inuyasha" Kasten |
'Jagd Hund'...His name is Jäger, is well trained; is my dog!      | Filename: | | The Story So Far...
After a lot of intents to destroy the aliens, the alternatives were ending,
because where Adolf Eichmann, ManoWar and The Monk were failed, only the
PeruHero have engage a ferocius battle. But now he has been caught being
pri... | Date: | 06/28/00 | Size: | 118.99 KB | Author: | Javier Fdo. Almenara Otoya |
For Jihad Skins       | Filename: | | Skins of most monsters from For Jihad Monsters project. Skins include most monsters from al-Qaeda, Taliban, and jihadist forces. You can be either a Magical Piranha, al-Qaeda Gunman, Taliban Fighter, Taliban Rocketeer, and even the one and only Osama... | Date: | 12/17/13 | Size: | 4.65 MB | Author: | Mujahid |
Jon skin      | Filename: | | A converted skin of Jon, the main character from the game "Power Slave"/"Exhumed". Also comes with a bot file.... | Date: | 05/08/06 | Size: | 135.74 KB | Author: | RottKing |
Juno from Jet Force Gemini | Filename: | | Anyone remember Jet Force Gemini for the N64? This is a player skin of Juno, one of the three main characters in the game. I decided to make his armor color green so you could edit his appearance under player setup.... | Date: | 01/17/18 | Size: | 105.33 KB | Author: | Michael Jan Krizik (valkiriforce) |
Kroz, IBM-ASCII Char # 002       | Filename: | | Kroz, one of the millions of smiley-faces that have graced ages-old text mode games in the past, has finally gotten upset at Bill Gates for phasing DOS out of existence. So...he gets his revenge at last!... | Date: | 10/15/04 | Size: | 9.77 KB | Author: | WildWeasel |
Lemming Player Skin        | Filename: | | Wonder it would Be as lemming!... | Date: | 08/05/01 | Size: | 19.49 KB | Author: | Mark |
Low Guard        | Filename: | | The Low Guard from Rise of The Triad.... | Date: | 03/17/04 | Size: | 78.26 KB | Author: | Matt Cibulas (A.k.a RottKing) |
LightDasher       | Filename: | | Light Dasher, For Doom... | Date: | 12/28/07 | Size: | 183.69 KB | Author: | Light Dasher |
Lunar from Mischief Makers | Filename: | | Behold, something nobody asked for - it's Lunar from Mischief Makers for the N64. Was inspired to make this when playing it recently - should work under any skin-supporting source ports.... | Date: | 10/25/17 | Size: | 107.28 KB | Author: | Michael Jan Krizik (valkiriforce) |
megaman Skin       | Filename: | | 8-bit megaman skin... | Date: | 12/05/02 | Size: | 18.74 KB | Author: | Mark "JACKASS" Dravich |
Megaman X Skin        | Filename: | | I just wanted to make a Megaman X Skin cuz I love megaman and I cant find one!... | Date: | 10/13/04 | Size: | 69.98 KB | Author: | Mike "Inuyasha" Kasten |
Met Skin        | Filename: | | The little hat flunkie gets a chance at revenge... Or maybe he's just gona get busted again.... | Date: | 11/16/02 | Size: | 446.36 KB | Author: | Polk_Sprite |
Monsters Skin Pack        | Filename: | | This is a by-product of learning how to edit wads. I just took the coolest montsers and turned them into player skins. Dunno if it's been done before but, well, I'm doing it now so there :P... | Date: | 02/18/03 | Size: | 437.82 KB | Author: | BeeZee_88 |
Mooninite       | Filename: | | The Mooninite(s) from Aqua Teen Hunger Force make their way into doom... | Date: | 11/02/04 | Size: | 11.19 KB | Author: | Rei "Zero" Yukamuri |
Monster Skins      | Filename: | | This WAD contains monsters skins from Doom, Doom 64 and SkullTag except for the monster skins that are already in SkullTag.... | Date: | 10/18/06 | Size: | 4.9 MB | Author: | Karate Chris | | Filename: | | This skin is a character I made called Natas. He is the prime minister of Ferno, a country in Planet Heck.... | Date: | 08/04/21 | Size: | 9.58 KB | Author: | Nikku4211 |
Enjay Blake Stone Skins        | Filename: | | 5 Skins based on enemies from Blake Stone. All modified to work as skins under Zdoom.... | Date: | 02/23/01 | Size: | 136.86 KB | Author: | Nigel Rowand (Enjay) |
Phobos      | Filename: | | Phobos from Quake 3.... | Date: | 10/25/04 | Size: | 125.1 KB | Author: | Matt Cibulas (A.k.a RottKing) |
A crate of pickles       | Filename: | | Crate of pickles. It looks like a crate of rockets...but no, they're UAC certified pickles.... | Date: | 02/25/08 | Size: | 24.34 KB | Author: | PUN1SH3R |
Pokemon Stadium: Featuring Mario POKESTAD.WAD      | Filename: | | This is a graphics WAD with some new sounds and music and has two skins for ZDOOM and DOOM LEGACY... | Date: | 07/17/00 | Size: | 253.91 KB | Author: | John D. Corrado a.k.a. DOOMFLYNN |
Predator skin (my version)       | Filename: | | original predator skin was just modified imp and it was terrible, so I made my own version.... | Date: | 05/24/05 | Size: | 78.35 KB | Author: | NeoWorm |
QuakeGuy Skin        | Filename: | | Ranger is back after killing shub-niggurath and armagon and the dragon, Ranger gets teleported to the arena eternal and etc, After fragging since 1999 Vadrigar sends Ranger back to his home, But something is wrong looks like monsters have invaded aga... | Date: | 09/28/16 | Size: | 172.57 KB | Author: | Massao |
Racist skin        | Filename: | | ... | Date: | 01/23/05 | Size: | 183.73 KB | Author: | Cutmanmike |
Wuffy Skin        | Filename: | | Werewolf skin... | Date: | 09/15/06 | Size: | 649.5 KB | Author: | ravage |
Skin roll para doom doom2        | Filename: | | skin de roll (hermana o algo asi de megaman) del juego Marvel Vs Capcom... | Date: | 05/29/09 | Size: | 206.75 KB | Author: | LUISDooMER |
Scientist Skin      | Filename: | | ... | Date: | 10/15/05 | Size: | 20.03 KB | Author: | Scientist |
Shadow Marine | Filename: | | Simple player skin that replaces the regular Doom Marine with a mysterious shadow version; inspired from characters such as Shadow Jago from Killer Instinct Gold and Noob Saibot from Mortal Kombat and other silhouette-type characters.... | Date: | 07/25/17 | Size: | 28.23 KB | Author: | Michael Jan Krizik (valkiriforce) |
Slamma Jamma Skin | Filename: | | This is a skin that Zero and I made in about 4 hours of actual effort but it came out really well. The skin is of an imp dressed up in a basketball outfit bouncing a basketball when you move. Nightmare Zero did the sprites and I did the sounds and ot... | Date: | 05/24/17 | Size: | 1.1 MB | Author: | K0RP53 and Nightmare Zero |
'Skins 2000'...A group of 'FIVE' new replacements!       | Filename: | | So, which are the files inside this Wadfile?... You will find here:
- GutenTag.Wad
- PeruHero.Wad
- ManoWar.Wad
- TheMonk.Wad
- JagdHund.Wad... | Date: | 06/28/00 | Size: | 562.1 KB | Author: | Javier Fdo. Almenara Otoya |
125 Skins      | Filename: | | This is a skin pack for use with ZDoom Engine. The... | Date: | 06/10/04 | Size: | 8.06 MB | Author: | Daniel |
Solid Snake | Filename: | | Solid Snake now available as a player skin for Doom.... | Date: | 11/15/17 | Size: | 116.13 KB | Author: | Michael Jan Krizik (valkiriforce) |
Spector        | Filename: | | .......uh, some evil DOOM trooper i guess... | Date: | 06/19/06 | Size: | 81.37 KB | Author: | PuN!sHeR 13 (seen me on SkullTAG?) |
StrifeGuy skin       | Filename: | | One night, a person who goes by the screename "MasterOFDeath", was quite bored. Tired of mapping for the day, because of just having finished MoDDM2 map02, he was toying around with skins and was shocked when he noticed that there was not a single sk... | Date: | 12/12/04 | Size: | 111.06 KB | Author: | MasterOFDeath |
Female Skin       | Filename: | | This is a simple skin for Zdoom or Legacy. It is a female marine, with graphics from Cory Whittle's Immoral Conduct. Status bar face isn't included in this version, but a future release will.... | Date: | 08/05/03 | Size: | 346.85 KB | Author: | Xaser |
Taradino Cassatt        | Filename: | | Taradino Cassatt, one of five playable characters from Rise of the Triad.**Now with custom color support**... | Date: | 01/03/04 | Size: | 88.44 KB | Author: | Matt Cibulas (A.k.a RottKing) |
< TomsSkin >      | Filename: | | This is my personal skin so only I can use it, but I would also be happy to see it everywhere! So you can use it too.... | Date: | 08/08/04 | Size: | 437.69 KB | Author: | Toms Gailitis |
DoomGuy Variants        | Filename: | | 7 Variants on the Doom marine Skin (see details below) Nuthin' too fancy, just an afternoon's cutting and pasting.... | Date: | 07/18/03 | Size: | 303.55 KB | Author: | Nigel Rowand (Enjay) |
Werewolf Skin        | Filename: | | A player skin for use with various ports or whatever... | Date: | 05/02/04 | Size: | 129.49 KB | Author: | |
Wolf O'Donnell      | Filename: | | It's Wolf as he appears in Smash Bros. now as a playable character in Doom.... | Date: | 08/14/16 | Size: | 255.2 KB | Author: | Michael Jan Krizik (valkiriforce) |
Xaser Skin        | Filename: | | This is a strange skin I created just for the hell of it. You know how many people have personal skins that they always use? Well, here's mine. Whatever.... | Date: | 07/17/04 | Size: | 293.04 KB | Author: | Xaser |
XXLFragger Skin        | Filename: | | ... | Date: | 09/02/00 | Size: | 37.12 KB | Author: | XXLFragger |