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200 Line Massacre: The Slaughtering (Infopack)
200 Line Massacre is a Vanilla megawad by Arsinikk and NinjaDelphox. This is the official infopack of the megawad "200 Line Massacre: The Slaughtering" by Arsinikk and NinjaDelphox, containing detailed information about the project, levels and scre...Date:03/11/23
Size:4.35 MB
Author:Arsinikk and NinjaDelphox

Ambient Sound Experiment for DOOM II
Load this WAD into DOOM II (i.e. DOOM2 -FILE AMBIENT.WAD), in the "Options / Sound Volume" menu turn the "SFX Volume" all the way up and the "Music Volume" all the way down, select "Fist" and punch one time. I figured that this WAD might give auth...Date:02/10/98
Size:129.35 KB
Author:Rich ¯Weeds¯ Nagel

Blank WAD for Taking Screenshots in DOOM and DOOM II
Load this WAD into DOOM or DOOM II (i.e. DOOM -FILE BLANK.WAD -DEVPARM or DOOM2 -FILE BLANK.WAD -DEVPARM), in the "Options" menu select "Messages: Off", maximize the screen (i.e. hit the + key), pause the game (i.e. hit the Pause key), and hit F1 ...Date:02/10/98
Size:11.23 KB
Author:Rich ¯Weeds¯ Nagel

Light Amplification for id Software's Games
Is your monitor too dark? COLORMAP.ZIP contains modified COLORMAPs to brighten up DOOM, DOOM II, Heretic, and Hexen. Included are the separate decompiled RAW resources, the compiled RAW resources, and WADs for 0% brighter, 25% brighter, 50% bright...Date:02/14/98
Size:95.33 KB
Author:Rich ¯Weeds¯ Nagel contains dm2sm30.wav, a wave file of doomii's secret message (It is backwards in the game) in level 30. The message was recorded and transposed into a wave file....Date:02/03/95
Size:86.84 KB
Author:Pink Hat
Bored with Windows95 already? Well, liven up your desktop with some handy dandy, super duper, just gosh darn terrific animated Doom cursors....Date:06/20/95
Size:6.27 KB
Author:Doug "Slug" Marien

Televison for DOOM II
Load this WAD into DOOM II (i.e. DOOM2 -FILE DOOM-TV.WAD), hit F1 when DOOM II starts, and sit back and enjoy the demos!...Date:02/10/98
Size:4.76 KB
Author:Rich ¯Weeds¯ Nagel
DOOMCONF.ZIP is a compiled version of the DOOM Conference held on the Computer Gaming World Forum on August 1-5, 1994. The guests were ID Software's American McGee, online support, tester, and DOOM level creator, and Shwan Green, on-line support a...Date:09/27/94
Size:41.66 KB

DOOM font for Windows
This here's a DOOM font for Windows. I mutilated it rather in transfering it from full colour to Black and white, but that's Windoze for you. One day Macrosoft will wake up and discover colour fonts....Date:09/15/95
Size:3.84 KB
Author:Alden Bates

A desktop theme for Windows 95
A desktop theme for Windows 95.All new cursors, high color, with cool sounds and wallpaper. Requires Plus! to install. I wanted to create a Theme that was better to look at and better to listen to than the existing Doom themes that I have see...Date:03/27/98
Size:564.7 KB
Author:Dave "NivRaC" Turner

"DooM" A True Type Font for windoze (version 1.00)
Size:14.17 KB
Author:Snake & Cydiot

Doom 2 theme
Doom 2 theme is a collection of a Windows 95 desktop elements which their pivot is Doom2. I (LHK) did my best when creating it to ensure it would be useable, not only beutiful, and I hope the consequence fill the bill....Date:01/24/97
Size:441.07 KB
This is a directory of what's on D!ZONE CD...Date:02/12/95
Size:50.14 KB
SCREENSHOTS of the 3-D games created by id Software members between 1991 and 1993 for the PC. Includes Hovertank, Catacomb 3-D, Wolfenstein 3-D and DOOM. Twenty images in GIF format....Date:08/20/95
Size:346.5 KB

This is a transcript and a WAV file of Id_Jay appearing on a local Dallas Radio Talk Show. ...Date:09/18/94
Size:443.18 KB

This is one handy, dandy DEATHMATCH cheat. Works fine for both DOOM and DOOM2, any version....Date:08/09/95
Size:109.43 KB
Author:Mark A. Klem

Mod Menu
puts every mod options menu into the special Mod Menu...Date:09/11/22
Size:52.02 KB

Nitesite for Doom/Doom2
Two tiny wads which give you permanent infra-red or starlite scope type vision. Similar to having coloured lite-amp goggles permanently on. Please don't use these to cheat in a DM. If the Doom God catches you using this improperly, he won't be happy....Date:05/22/97
Size:2.69 KB
Author:VN Software

Ultimate Doom Poster
This is a reconstruction of a Doom poster seen in a photo of Id's offices. The poster features a red demon face set against a black background, a large version of the image that appeared on the cover of the "Ultimate Doom" box. The poster itself appa...Date:08/13/07
Size:18.54 MB
Author:Peter Heinemann

Twice Risen scrapped assets
This file contains the remnants of the abandoned Twice Risen project originally created by Michael "Risen" Niggel, presented here as-is for archival purposes....Date:10/16/21
Size:12.33 MB
Author:Michael "Risen" Niggel

This is a patch wad for John Romero's SIGIL for Classic RBDoom 3 BFG Edition....Date:06/11/19
Size:1.91 KB
Author:George Kalampokis

Sound to Screen
Sound to Screen is an add-on for GZDoom games. It displays sounds on screen depending on their position on the map. It may be useful for people who play without sound or for people with hearing impairment....Date:05/22/22
Size:17.31 KB

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