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About Hypnotik

  • Rank
    Junior Member

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3324 profile views
  1. Hypnotik

    Choosing Only 5 wads to Play Forever

    NUTS.wad DOOM.wad DOOMII.wad PLUTONIA.wad TNT.wad
  2. Hypnotik

    Random Image Thread

    Got bored and made this. I seen all these "starter pack" memes, decided to make my own.
  3. Hypnotik

    What is Your Job/Career?

    My Job is currently a groundsman at a Arborist company. I've been working there since I was 17. I'm 22 now. Basically I have to do all the grunt work. My nickname is "The Bull" It's taken me time to earn that reputation. I'm greatly known for overworking myself, dragging brush. one arming 6ft logs. I never dull the chains on the saws. I can rig for the guys up in the bucket. I've had a fair share of using equipment. I've climbed, and I've been in the bucket a few times. But I don't have enough seniority yet to go up there. I'm not a greenhorn but im sure no expert. I'm continuing to learn. I aspire to be like my older relatives. family has worked with wood for generations. Humans as a whole have worked with wood for generations. Working with tree's feels special to me sometimes because it almost takes you back to your roots. Your constantly touching wood. (no pun intended) like our ancestors have done for generations. Tree's give us life. It's a very interesting experience to say the least. Some days the labor can be a bit much, especially with the outdoor elements like heat and the cold. Eventually your body builds a tolerance and adapts. like it can to most things. It's hard work but the money is there if you have the determination. Its rewarding in many ways than one.
  4. Hypnotik

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    black n white. pure bliss
  5. Hypnotik

    New around here? Introduce Yourself!

    Hey whats up. My name is Hypnotik. but alot of doomers call me Hypno or Hyp for short. I seen the title and was curious. I've made a few wads but nothing spectacular. I didn't hear anything terrible about them so maybe I'm alright? I'm laidback. always trying to frag. always down for coop on demon slaying. Doom's addicting enough... but when you add friends?? better yet! It's awesome theres a place where we can all come together and express our passion for Doom. Almost like a family. It might not be a functional one, but it works. The love is there.
  6. Hypnotik

    What browser do you use?

    (from toastytech) I had to when I seen the question. lmao.