Sort by | Filename | Title | Author | Size | Time | Rating | Asc • DescDeathmatch Warmup        | Filename: | | This is not a deathmatch simulator, but rather a deathmatch warmup. Many enemies that not only look like but act like players in this patch/wad. Use this when you can't find somebody or need to warm up!... | Date: | 01/07/98 | Size: | 32.37 KB | Author: | "Jjukil", Justin Madigan |
Doom2 Deathmatch Training Facility        | Filename: | | This zipfile is a package containing documents,
recordings, and a Doom2 level (wad). These are intended
to help a player develop skill in agility and aim for
Doom2 deathmatch, and to increase understanding of the
game specifics as they apply to d... | Date: | 04/05/97 | Size: | 857.82 KB | Author: | |
Heretic Deathmatch Tips        | Filename: | | Don't you just hate it when some guy with no life who all he does is play
Heretic on his computer challenges you to a game of Heretic? "Ahh, c'mon!
I'll play easy on ya! It'll be fun!". Well, I don't know because I'm the
one killing, maiming, a... | Date: | 04/28/95 | Size: | 5.93 KB | Author: | Louis "Farmer" Gorenfeld |
Jupiterian CTF       | Filename: | | Jupiterian CTF is a new Capture the Flag mod that will revolutionize the world of CTF on DooM. This mod contains a series of maps that have balanced and blended gameplay, and will make for some intense matches for you and your friends.... | Date: | 01/02/13 | Size: | 10.27 MB | Author: | ZumbeeKihluhr666 |