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About dybbuk81

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  1. Just bought www.dybbuk81.com


    1. dybbuk81


      It became a shitty, shitty purchase from OrangeHost.com marked as a suspicious site on my wife's phone for no reason. So R.I.P.

  2. dybbuk81

    [WIP] ColdWire

    Awwwww shit!!!
  3. 1994. I got doom after my parents and I got a new PC (that was totally stored in my room)
  4. My website has 60 sampler tracks on http://www.lehr.me my bandcamp has everything I've ever done free http://noisebox1.bandcamp.com I also have available physical printed flash drives in cases of everything I've ever done for $20... 500+ tracks http://usb.lehr.me for people who like supporting or collecting :o I finally did it!!!
  5. Lately I've been rewriting a story I wrote first way back in 2002 that was going to be a doom mod/game but loki'99 flopped that year when I released it late and I gave up. Now its a reboot of that. Seriously, its got 72 EXITTEXT story screens for 72 levels. It starts out a little sad and slow but gets really damn good after a while in my opinion. I hope you feel the same. My goal is to have it done in 2024 so that its a 25th anniversary of the shitshow that it is rebooting to be.... WAY DAMN BETTER?


    If anyone is interested in mapping by any chance I'll let you have the PK3 file I'm writing with all of the 100+ MP3 tracks and the 72 story screens to see what its going to be and what you're helping with. Only if you are serious about mapping for it though, I don't want to give out spoilers to ruin it!


    I will have maybe one or two sentences also explaining VERY VAGUE what the level should be. That way the creation is all yours. Not fully mine. You are the level designers after all? 


    ...or it may unfortunately just end up me lol. If you are interested right this second keep in touch. Shoot me a DM and I'll try to have it ready soon enough :D

    1. dybbuk81


      It will, however, take at least a week I'm assuming to get this all wrapped up and ready. The story has been in my head for years and went through a few rewrites here and there but never became anything yet. In three weeks I've gone as far as I have, and I feel that I'll need only a small amount of time to complete the story part, as the all the music from my arsenal has been chosen. Not a single track was also used on any of the project warlock games that I soundtracked. I wouldn't cheat like that, and I totally made sure of that ;)

    2. dybbuk81


      At the rate I’m going I’m thinking 30th anniversary of 1999 sounds good lol

  6. dybbuk81

    AMALGOOM (OST) needs Composers

    Like as in.. better luck next time or MP3 is okay lol
  7. dybbuk81

    AMALGOOM (OST) needs Composers

    Unfortunately I can only do MP3 and other compressed formats of wave :( if I researched more and bought a couple things like a midi cable and controller
  8. dybbuk81


    You must live very close to me my friend ;)
  9. Yeah I'd play it but I don't deathmatch. It's a shame too because its gorgeous!!
  10. dybbuk81


    Then 5 years down the road create "Claustrophobia Remastered" lol
  11. dybbuk81


    I mean I'd play it. I highly recommended experimenting in other ways though instead of a direct sequel, like doing a differently themed 10 level pack maybe.Wait until you get endless praise in the future THEN follow it up. I made that mistake before ;)
  12. dybbuk81


    Honestly I love shit like this. Very 90's amateur "Anyone could have made it" stuff. It's like I randomly clicked something on an old cd-rom of levels some company just shovelled from /idgames or ftp.cdrom.com way back when and released in gaming stores buried beneath other random shit no one decided to look under. I had fun perusing the levels and watching the videos. I'm assuming the same texture is in your default settings or you were maybe going for some sort of theme. Maybe not I dunno. Thanks for being brave enough to share your first creations d00d
  13. Making a serious EP for my wife's birthday Aug 29th since I'm low on $$ Its the very first time I've recorded serious music with words "Mad World" is a cover "Stitchedtogether" is an original http://noisebox1.bandcamp.com/album/mad-world
  14. dybbuk81

    Home-written VB causing trojan?!?

    I was just trying something unique. I’ll just release everything for offline use
  15. dybbuk81

    Home-written VB causing trojan?!?

    I hope I can figure this out and others don’t think I’m a bastard for it. I’m releasing four big packs of music but with the mp3s included. I just wanted samplers that pulled stuff from a cloud too for free though. Might need a plan B with partial music or something