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I don't get SnapHak

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So apparently there's this thing for DOOM 2016 SnapMap, which "expands" the capabilities of the editor. But when I tested it out, nothing changed except that a few more objects were available, but one of them was broken with it only displaying "1". It also requires the game to be in windowed mode, which I will not do, to keep my device from becoming a nuclear reactor.


I just don't understand why it's so popular. I'm not trying to hate, I'm just confused.

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There are no features built into the game, you need to have the second window open to use it, which then you can use to change the properties of objects and write scripts, knowing some programming helps, but you really don't need that knowledge to use it.

Also, you need to use borderless mode and alt+tab to the second page. And if you want some examples of maps using it here are a few IDs: AA9AHT3W , 3SA66AM2 , RF8RW3KJ .

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Most of what it expands on is not what you see in-editor. It's the application in the 2nd DOOM window. Fullscreen is bugged when using the Vulkan graphics API, where changing windows often causes the game to crash.


Based on you mentioning "needing to be in windowed mode", I assume you had read the installation instructions in the Guide to SnapHak document, but if you read further along, it goes into an in-depth explanation in many of the capabilities of the SnapHak tool.


In short, it's a glorified text editor that lets you manually enter data in the properties of an entity, which takes away the limitations imposed by the in-game editor, and instead lets you work within the confines of the entire engine. This differs from modding, in that it makes no changes that would require anyone to download a mod to play it. Even console players can experience the map changes made using SnapHak.


The "broken" object you saw is actually an unknown entity template that can be used as a base for placing entities in the map that are made available just by the game's engine itself, even if not made to be in placeable in SnapMap.

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