Title: GUS 1M-II
Filename: music/gus1m-ii.zip
Size: 3.54 KB
Date: 05/21/95
Author: Sebastien Bacquet
Description: This is an optimized MIDI instrument mapping for GUS 1024 (like GUS1M by Tom Klok for DOOM 1).
Tom Klok has done a very good job with GUS1M (thanx) but this mapping doesn't suit with DOOM ][.
This is not Tom Klok's fault : DOOM (1) and DOOM ][ don't use the same MIDI instruments at all. Id didn't seem to note it because they have inserted GUS1M in DOOM ]['s directory (DMXGUSC entry), which is not, I repeat, good for DOOM ][.

So, thanks to Joakim Erdfelt, I have converted MUS files to MIDI files with MUS2MIDI so I could see what instruments were used in the musics. Then I made a list of them and made the mapping according to it.

The result is ... simply great ;) ! DOOM ][ is not yet the same ! This is not a lie : try and listen.
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A later version of this by the same author exists in the archives as gus1mIId.zip. You're better off using that.x

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