Title: Goodmus.wad
Filename: music/goodmus.zip
Size: 283.41 KB
Date: 08/24/95
Author: John Rosencutter
Description: Replaces ALL music with other creations. (All 32 levels, Opening screen, Story screens)
Credits: id Software, Randy Pollestad, The PharCyde BBS
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: 5-6 hours
Editor(s) used: Mustool 2.0
Bugs: Not enough people play it!
Rating: (10 votes)
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TO PERFECT, all music are AWESOME, some are musics from Depeche Mode, Nirvana, ETC: BUT MAN ALL SOUND GREAT MEANWHILE YOU KILL MONSTERS, but sincerously the Better was the Level32, can you give a real name for this please :)x
Most of these tunes are butchered up and you can find much better, more recently made ones out there easily. nowadays. some exceptionally bad Metallica MIDIs there, and a few things used in Dwango5. There are quite a few old music packs out there like this.x
This is just masterpiece! Just nothing more to say! 5 stars!x
Lots of nice tracks, especially the superb arrangement of Black Hole Sun. Not all of them suit DOOM though, and -2 for the plagiarism of the E3M8 track from DOOM 1.x
wow so this is where all those songs originated fromx
best music EAVRx

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