Title: Gary Gritness - Doom RMX
Filename: music/gary_rmx.zip
Size: 49.86 MB
Date: 11/17/16
Author: Gary Gritness
Description: Hi, I'm Gary Gritness, and I reworked DOOM's music with my Roland Juno-60 and TR-606.

It adds a cool, powerful early 80s sound to it, while staying as true to the original spirit and coherence of the original and blending just right in-game.

Initially, it was a tape-only release (on slikktapes.com), but I just had to do a proper .WAD, and the good folks on the DoomWorld forums suggested I submit the .wad to the archive.

On top of the original Ultimate Doom, you can play these fantastic Doom I megawads that would be a good fit to this remade music:

- Doom The Way iD Did - Phobos: Anomaly Reborn - Classic Episode - Knee Deep in Zdoom - Invasion - Eternal Torture

A huge THANK YOU to the whole Doom community,

Tear on, -Gary G

www.garygritness.com www.slikktapes.com
Credits: -Bobby Prince
Build time: A Couple of Months for sound designing, editing and mixing
Editor(s) used: Reaper
Rating: (8 votes)
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All the tracks have way too much "echoing" effects. Still an awesome remaster, I adore it.x

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