Title: |
Vanilla compatible light effects |
Filename: |
prefabs/fenlight.zip |
Size: |
11.34 KB |
Date: |
04/27/04 |
Author: |
Lee Szymanski |
Description: |
Vanilla compatible light effects |
Credits: |
id for DOOM. Anthony Soto and Opulent for their support. Ola and the Darkening team for accepting my map and giving me the kickstart, and everybody i've forgot :) |
Base: |
Build time: |
Editor(s) used: |
Bugs: |
Rating: |
      (7 votes)
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/idgames protocol:
     | Read the textfile. Seems he was thinking about Candlejack when he wrot | x | |
     | Well aren't you the clever one. | x | |
     | nothing here i hadn't figured out on my own, but a handy compilation for those who haven't. **** -sargebaldy | x |
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