Title: |
FemDOOM : Ver. 1.0 |
Filename: |
graphics/femdoom.zip |
Size: |
9.01 KB |
Date: |
10/05/94 |
Author: |
Lynn Forest |
Description: |
FemDOOM is for all those frustrated women who have had to
play with a male face in the status window (including myself)
It replaces the standard BJ Blaskowicz mug with a female
character drawn in much the same style as the original ID artwork. |
Credits: |
Base: |
Build time: |
Editor(s) used: |
Bugs: |
Rating: |
      (14 votes)
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     | Vomit puke, it's just doomguy with a shiton of makeup placed awkwardly all over his face, lipstick and a wig. Plus there are some faulty pixels hanging around which makes things worse. | x | |
     | Especially considering the date, this is pretty damned good, if somewhat rough. Me prizas. | x | |
     | wow, the dedder you get, the more you look like a crack ho | x | |
     | Well, the artwork isn't quite up to the standard of Id's original, although it's not bad (if you have black hair). An extra point for bothered to do the 'surprised' face that rarely appears in the game. 1994! Crumbs, I was still a teenager. There's a screenshot here:
http://www.opensorce ry.net/mutation/patc hes.html | x |
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