Title: |
dt-ssg3 |
Filename: |
combos/dt-ssg3.zip |
Size: |
44.83 KB |
Date: |
06/03/01 |
Author: |
Don Tello Esq. |
Description: |
Replaces Doom II's Super Shotgun with the "Coach Gun" from 'Serious Sam - The First Encounter' |
Credits: |
Croteam, id Software |
Base: |
Based on Serious Sam |
Build time: |
30 minutes |
Editor(s) used: |
Paint Shop Pro 3, Wintex |
Bugs: |
Tested with ZDoom and Legacy |
Rating: |
    (3 votes)
Download mirrors:
/idgames protocol:
     | God Dam Shit! -Evil Homer | x |
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