Title: |
12oz Draft Music for DOOM2 v1.0 |
Filename: |
music/draft2_1.zip |
Size: |
93.84 KB |
Date: |
02/15/97 |
Author: |
John Wolanski |
Description: |
This is original music for DOOM2 based on songs of a Cleveland heavy metal/thrash band I used to be in way back in '92. The WAD was completed on Feb. 16, 1997 at 12:00AM. Following is a list of the songs and their respective author(s). For those curious, authors of guitar solos, which are horribly rendered in MIDI, have an '*' next to their name. The list is in the order that the songs appear in the WAD.
APOCALYPSE!: Sawczak* Alice in No-Man's Land: Wolanski, Sawczak* insania: Wolanski* Hell Pirates: Wolanski, Sawczak* Aside: Butts* October Void: Wolanski* F.M.O.E.T.: Gawronsky, Wolanski, Sawczak* The Mummy's Curse: Wolanski* ...and Have You Ever Thought of Dying?: Wolanski Pain and Suffering.: Wolanski* |
Credits: |
the artists: John "John-Boy, Saucey-Boy, Wolf-Boy" Sawczak -guitars Bob "Dirty Long-Haired Weirdo" Gawronsky Jr. -drums Jonathan "Demon-Boy" Butts -guitarist friend John "The Killer, Moody" Wolanski -bass & vocals I know this sounds corny but I love you all and will never forget you. *sniff* the game: id Software and all affiliated with them the editors: Olivier Montanuy-WinTex author of Midi2Mus the music stuff: Richard Johnson-SeqMax Yamaha extra thanks to: L. Ron Hubbard, H. P. Lovecraft, Ma & Pa Wolanski, Dan Mills, God, etc... |
Base: |
new from scratch |
Build time: |
Editor(s) used: |
WinTex v4.3 MIDI2MUS |
Bugs: |
none that I have noticed |
Rating: |
    (4 votes)
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     | Rock/Metal lovers will really enjoy these. I googled John Wolanski and 12oz Draft and variations, but unsurprisingly found nothing. Some of these tracks are actually quite brilliant, it would be criminal if these songs continued to go unused - After all, they're 21 years old and they're written with TLC - Use these things! | x | |
     | dude... BITCHIN MUSIC!!! you should email it all to me in mp3 format in either its doomstyle form or your actual band recorded form its badass stuff dude!!! i love it THRASHTILLDEATH!!! kodymcnabb@yahoo.com for emailing 5/5 for sure | x | |
     | This is a ten-year-old collection of MIDI files of music that was five years old ten years ago. It's surprisingly good. Less cheesy but less tuneful than the original Doom music, without any slow or moody songs (except for 09, which is only a few seconds long). 02 has a funny little Van Halen hammer-on. 04 is very cheesy. 05 and 07 have an irritating peep noise. 08 is the best. Overall they're sort of Iron Maiden-y rather than Metallica-y. | x |
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