Title: Doom II Enhanced Music: Volume I
Filename: music/dm2mus1.zip
Size: 223.42 KB
Date: 01/21/96
Author: Andrew Prosnik
Description: Tired of hearing the same old music? Hate the low-quality music WADs? Want music WADs that contain all kinds of music fitted to each level instead of one style of music thrown into the game without regard for the level's "personality?" The Enhanced Music WADs are for you! These WAD files are split into 3 different files so that you can load whichever WAD file contains the songs that you like the most.

This WAD contains new background songs for Doom II. This can only be used with DOOM II. Not only is the level music replaced, but the intro music, intermission music, and tally screen music is replaced also.
Credits: All the authors of the music I used... ID
Base: N/A
Build time:
Editor(s) used: WinDEU 5.2, WinTEX, NWT
Bugs: If you find any, please let me know.
Rating: (7 votes)
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10/10 best wad would buy x
Meth... not even oncex
Wow.I bet you spent like 5 minutes putting this together this sucks ass,and it's awful vomit that does not need to be viewed by the public.x
Rubbish music choices. 0/5x
What is that...x
This sucks. Most of the music is not appropriate for Doom at all.x

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