Title: Human Enemies for WWHC-Diaz
Filename: combos/diazpatc.zip
Size: 3.17 MB
Date: 10/25/08
Author: Woolie Wool
Description: A special patch made for Wildweasel's new version of his famous Diaz: The Last Hours of Purity mod (wwhcdiaz.zip) featuring all- human and mechanical enemies. What would have happened if Diaz had arrived on Phobos only a few hours earlier? Probably something like this.
Credits: WildWeasel for making wwhc-diaz.wad and for testing, assistance, advice, and support Gothic team for making the Gothic 99 marine, on whom I performed a double-bypass head transplant Vader for the aforementioned head Enjay for many sprites and graphics Jam Productions for Blake Stone resources Black Shadow Software for sprites Rogue Entertainment for Strife resources Apogee Software for Rise of the Triad resources Gokuma for wetsuit marine head Raven Software for Jedi Academy head id Software for Team Arena sounds.
Base: DECORATE code based on wwhc-diaz
Build time: About 10 days
Editor(s) used: XWE, SLumpED, Notepad, Ulead PhotoImpact 10, RecolorBMP, Audacity, Sound Recorder
Bugs: Some of the sprite translations look ugly in software ZDoom. Use GZDoom if possible.
Rating: (12 votes)
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