Title: |
darkimp.zip |
Filename: |
combos/darkimp.zip |
Size: |
71.78 KB |
Date: |
09/02/03 |
Author: |
Kara "Nanami" Rader |
Description: |
* DarkImpHer.wad
is a wad that allows you to place a new monster in a ZDoom level.
* DarkImpDoom.wad
is a wad that replaces the normal Doom(2) imp with the dark imp sprites. You only need to copy and paste the contents of the wad into your wad. |
Credits: |
Base: |
Build time: |
Editor(s) used: |
Bugs: |
Rating: |
     (9 votes)
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/idgames protocol:
     | play it with all your wads! send it to a frend!
hell i havint seen a brown imp in forever! | x | |
     | Dark-imps kick ass -denizen | x | |
     | I rule at making imps, and I forgot to credit SargeBaldy! | x |
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