Title: Light Amplification for id Software's Games
Filename: misc/colormap.zip
Size: 95.33 KB
Date: 02/14/98
Author: Rich Weeds Nagel
Description: Is your monitor too dark? COLORMAP.ZIP contains modified COLORMAPs to brighten up DOOM, DOOM II, Heretic, and Hexen. Included are the separate decompiled RAW resources, the compiled RAW resources, and WADs for 0% brighter, 25% brighter, 50% brighter, 75% brighter, and 100% brighter (cheater <G>!). These files came about because my monitor (brand name undisclosed) started slowly getting darker after it's 6 month warranty expired :(. Unzip with the -D parameter to recreate the subdirectories. Then, simply load the brightness WAD of your choice using the -FILE parameter for the game.
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Useful for cheaters (100%) and for playing in vanilla exe a lot of modern wads designed for ogl rendering ports. For example, PL2 with 025% looks fine for me with gamma=1 //hthx

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