Title: The Boggy Region engine source code (BOGREG.EXE)
Filename: source/brsrc.zip
Size: 10.64 MB
Date: 04/05/20
Author: SilverMiner. Uploaded with permission by Rick ''Red'' Commandeur.
Description: This is the engine source code release for The Boggy Region, a megawad by SilverMiner, based on Boom v2.02.
Credits: SilverMiner for BR and source code, Plutonia 2 Team for you know what, The Mechworks for BTSX, Team TNT for Boom, Fabian Greffrath for Crispy Doom, Rick ''Red'' Commandeur (Uploader), www.DoomWorld.com for hosting
Base: d modification of the GPL re-release of Boom v2.02 (See ABOUT.TXT in package). The GPL license provided by the re-release of Boom v2.02 applies here (See COPYING.TXT).

The modifications are minor: The ability to change skies in some maps and rocket guys to drop rockets. There is also a bugfix for a desync in demo's courtesy of Cripsy Doom. The complete package is provided.

The code is provided ''as-is''. It is uploaded for historical preservation and educational purposes only. You may study its contents, but the code is unsupported. I have prepared this package for inclusion on /idgames.
Build time: 4 years
Editor(s) used: Slade, DoomBuilder 2, GIMP2.8, Cosmigo ProMotion (Advanced Pixel Graphics Editor)
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